niubangcha / naftis

An excellent dashboard for Istio built with love.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



English | 中文

Naftis is a web-based dashboard for Istio. It helps user manage their Istio tasks more easily. Using Naftis we can custom our own task templates, then build task from them and execute it.


Code Structure

├── bin                         # directory store binary
├── config                      # directory store configuration files
│   ├── in-cluster.toml         # in Kubernetes cluster configuration file
│   ├── in-local.toml           # in local machine configuration file
├── install                     # Helm Charts
│   └── helm
│       ├── mysql
│       └── naftis
├── src                         # source code
│   ├── api                     # backend server source code
│   │   ├── bootstrap           # store start arguments
│   │   ├── executor            # execute tasks from task queue
│   │   ├── handler             # HTTP handlers
│   │   ├── log                 # log package wraps zap
│   │   ├── middleware          # HTTP middlewares
│   │   ├── model               # common models
│   │   ├── router              # HTTP routers
│   │   ├── service             # some wraped services
│   │   ├── storer              # db storer
│   │   ├── util                # utilities
│   │   ├── version             # provides build-in version message
│   │   ├── worker              # task worker
│   │   └── main.go             # index of backend server
│   └── ui                      # frontend source code
│       ├── build               # webpack scripts
│       ├── src                 # truly frontend source code
│       ├── package.json
│       ├── package-lock.json
│       ├── postcss.config.js
│       ├──
│       └──
├── tool                        # some shell and migrate scripts
│   ├── img
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──              # clean up Naftis
│   ├──
│   ├──          # generate manifest for Naftis deployment in Kubernetes
│   ├── gentmpl.go
│   ├── naftis.sql              # Naftis migrate sql scripts
│   ├── naftis.conf             # Naftis Nginx configuration file
│   └──
├── vendor                      # go dependencies
├── Dockerfile.api              # backend image dockerfile
├── Dockerfile.ui               # frontend image dockerfile
├── Gopkg.lock                  # dep depencies version lock file
├── Gopkg.toml                  # dep depencies version primarily hand-edited file
├── Makefile                    # project's makefile
├── mysql.yaml                  # Kubernetes Naftis API and UI manifest, generate by Helm
├── naftis.yaml                 # Kubernetes Naftis MySQL manifest, generate by Helm
└── run                         # shortcut script for local running


  • Integrates with some real-time dashboards
  • Customizable task template
  • Support Rollback specific task
  • Optimized Istio service graph with supporting of specifying particular root service node
  • With diagnose data of Istio services and pods
  • Out of the box, easy deployment with kubectl commands
  • Istio 1.0 supported


  • Istio > 1.0
  • Kubernetes >= 1.9.0
  • HIUI >= 1.0.0


Naftis dashboard use powerful HIUI (A React based UI components which released by Xiaomi FE Team) to built responsive UI, more reference:

Quick Started

kubectl create namespace naftis && kubectl apply -n naftis -f mysql.yaml && kubectl apply -n naftis -f naftis.yaml

# port forward Naftis
kubectl -n naftis port-forward $(kubectl -n naftis get pod -l app=naftis-ui -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8080:80 &

# explorer http://localhost:8080/ with your browser, default user name and password is "admin".

Detailed Deployments

Running Under Kubernetes Cluster

# create Naftis namespace
$ kubectl create namespace naftis

# ensure Naftis namespace is created
$ kubectl get namespace naftis
NAME           STATUS    AGE
naftis         Active    18m

# deploy Naftis MySQL service
$ kubectl apply -n naftis -f mysql.yaml

# ensure MySQL service is deployed
$ kubectl get svc -n naftis
NAME                           READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
naftis-mysql-c78f99d6c-kblbq   1/1       Running   0          9s
naftis-mysql-test              1/1       Running   0          10s

# deploy Naftis API and UI service
$ kubectl apply -n naftis -f naftis.yaml

# ensure Naftis all services is correctly defined and running
$ kubectl get svc -n naftis
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
naftis-api     ClusterIP    <none>        50000/TCP      7s
naftis-mysql   ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP       55s
naftis-ui      LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31286/TCP   6s

$ kubectl get pod -n naftis
NAME                           READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
naftis-api-0                   1/2       Running   0          19s
naftis-mysql-c78f99d6c-kblbq   1/1       Running   0          1m
naftis-mysql-test              1/1       Running   0          1m
naftis-ui-69f7d75f47-4jzwz     1/1       Running   0          19s

# browse Naftis via port-forward
$ kubectl -n naftis port-forward $(kubectl -n naftis get pod -l app=naftis-ui -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8080:80 &

Explorer http://localhost:8080/ with your browser, default user name and password is "admin".

Running Under Local Machine


# run migrate sql script
mysql> source ./tool/naftis.sql;

# modify in-local.toml and replace with your own MySQL DSN.

Start API Server

  • Linux
make build && ./bin/naftis-api start -c config/in-local.toml # building and starting naftis-api


  • Mac OS
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 make build && ./bin/naftis-api start -c config/in-local.toml # building and starting naftis-api


GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 ./run

Modify Nginx Proxy Config

cp tool/naftis.conf <your-nginx-conf-directory>/naftis.conf
# modify naftis.conf and then reload Nginx

Start Node Proxy Server

cd src/ui
npm install
npm run dev # start node proxy

# Explorer http://localhost:5200/ with your browser.





Service Detail


Service Pod


Task Templates

Task Tpl

Task Tpl

Task View

Task View

Task New

Task New

Create Task

Create Task Step1

Create Task Step2

Create Task Step3

Istio Diagnosis

Istio Diagnosis

Docker Images

Naftis api and ui image has been published on Docker Hub in api and ui.

Developer's Guide

Fetch source code

go get

Setting environment variables

Add the follow exports to your ~/.profile. autoenv is also strongly recommended.

# Change GOOS and GOARCH with your environment.
export GOOS="linux"   # or replace with "darwin", etc.
export GOARCH="amd64" # or replace with "386", etc.

# Change USER with your Docker Hub account for pulling and pushing custom docker container builds.
export USER="sevennt"
export HUB="$USER"

If you choose autoenv to export environment variables, type cd . to make it work.

Go Dependency

We use dep to manage our go dependencies.

# install dep
go get -u
dep ensure -v # install dependcies

Code Style

Other Directives

make                # make all targets

make build          # build api binaries, frontend assets, and Kubernetes manifest
make build.api      # build backend binaries
make build.ui       # build frontend assets
make build.manifest # build Kubernetes manifest

make fmt  # go fmt codes
make lint # lint codes
make vet  # vet codes
make test # run tests
make tar  # compress directories

make docker      # build docker images
make docker.api  # build backend docker images
make docker.ui   # build frontend docker images
make push        # push images to

./bin/naftis-api -h      # show help messages
./bin/naftis-api version # show binary build version messages

./tool/ # clean up Naftis




  • Add testcases
  • Supporting query Istio resource
  • Add Links of Grafana, Jaeger, Prometheus


Apache License 2.0


An excellent dashboard for Istio built with love.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%