Nitish Kumar (nitish1924)


Geek Repo

Location:Syracuse , New York

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Nitish Kumar's repositories


Developing an android app which will detect or take user’s location & suggest list of places nearby based on user’s interest with current weather condition using Foursquare API, Weather API, Android Programming, Kotlin. Implementing a backend server for the app using NodeJS, ExpressJS, Firebase, RESTful API



Developed a web application for University Shuttle program which sign up student to drop safely to their home from 8PM to 4AM. This consists of 3 parts, first an interface for shuttle dispatcher(supervisor) who signup students waiting for shuttle, second an interface for admin who have all the administrative rights and can generate reports of trips taken, third a node server. The System provides real-time data updates using Firebase database. The technologies used are JavaScript, ES6, ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, HTML5, CSS3.



Created a Tic Tae Toe game in android with Java



Created a Face recognition web app (using Clarifai face recognition API) where a user can create an account and upload a picture and the app will recognize the face of human in the picture. It will also keep track of number of pictures uploaded for facial recognition for each user. Front-end: ReactJS, Tachyons, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ES6 Server: NodeJS, ExpressJS Database: PostgreSQL



Created a fully responsive Web App to filter and search among a pool of robots with their name using JavaScript, ES6, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS, ExpressJS



Created a web application to book, track (using GPS) and interact with automated chatbot( Using Dialogflow) for university shuttle service, using java, jsp, servlets, JavaScript, NodeJS,Ajax, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Android



In order to develop a large software system, code needs to be partitioned in small parts. When each part is developed we need to test it and move it to baseline and perform integration testing again. So, in order to test a large number of packages as the outcome of this project this whole testing is being automated. The main idea behind this project was to develop a Remote Build Server which will remotely communicate with the other component such as Client, Repository & Test Harness of the project, all together they will automate the whole process of testing. The Objective of this project is to automate the testing to be performed on individual and integrated codes checked-in into repository through client (Graphical User Interface). The Remote Build server will get the test request remotely from GUI and then it will build test libraries which will be tested by test harness. Each component of the project i.e. GUI, Repository, Build Server & Test Harness will communicate with each other through WCF(Windows Communication Foundation). Technology Used : using .NET, C# 6.0, MSBuild, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
