nithya6875 / WebDev-Projects

My WebDev Projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Concepts in HTML

  1. Semantic HTML
  2. Document Object Model (DOM)
  3. HTML parsing
  4. The HTML5 specification
  5. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  6. Web components
  7. Shadow DOM
  8. Custom elements
  9. The template element
  10. The canvas element
  11. The video element
  12. The audio element
  13. Responsive design
  14. Accessibility (a11y)_
  15. HTML forms
  16. Server-sent events (SSE)
  17. Web sockets
  18. Web storage (localStorage and sessionStorage)
  19. Web workers
  20. IndexedDB
  21. WebRTC
  22. Drag and drop API
  23. Geolocation API
  24. Offline web applications
  25. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
  26. Cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention
  27. Content Security Policy (CSP)
  28. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
  29. HTTP/2
  30. Cache control headers
  31. HTML5 Boilerplate
  32. Microformats
  33. Microdata
  34. RDFa
  35. Structured data
  36. Data attributes
  37. The picture element
  38. The source element
  39. The object element
  40. The embed element
  41. The iframe element
  42. The header element
  43. The footer element
  44. The nav element
  45. The article element
  46. The section element
  47. The aside element
  48. The main element
  49. The time element
  50. The figure element
  51. The figcaption element
  52. The details element
  53. The summary element
  54. The mark element
  55. The meter element
  56. The progress element
  57. The ruby element
  58. The rt element
  59. The rp element
  60. The command element
  61. The menu element
  62. The dialog element
  63. The output element
  64. The keygen element
  65. The source element
  66. The track element
  67. The map element
  68. The area element
  69. The datalist element
  70. The select element
  71. The option element
  72. The label element
  73. The fieldset element
  74. The legend element
  75. The input element
  76. The button element
  77. The textarea element
  78. The progress element
  79. The meter element
  80. The details element
  81. The summary element
  82. The wbr element
  83. The bdi element
  84. The bdo element
  85. The data element
  86. The keygen element
  87. The output element
  88. The progress element
  89. The ruby element
  90. The menuitem element
  91. The command element
  92. The menu element
  93. The dialog element
  94. The track element
  95. The source element
  96. The video element
  97. The audio element
  98. The time element
  99. The picture element
  100. The canvas element

Concepts in CSS

  1. CSS specificity
  2. CSS inheritance
  3. The box model
  4. Positioning
  5. Display property
  6. Flexbox layout
  7. Grid layout
  8. CSS transforms
  9. CSS transitions
  10. CSS animations
  11. CSS filters
  12. CSS variables (custom properties)
  13. Media queries
  14. Responsive typography
  15. The cascade
  16. Pseudo-classes
  17. Pseudo-elements
  18. Attribute selectors
  19. Combinators
  20. Child selectors
  21. Adjacent sibling selectors
  22. General sibling selectors
  23. Attribute selectors with values
  24. Structural pseudo-classes
  25. Custom fonts
  26. Font stacking
  27. Font smoothing
  28. Font loading strategies
  29. Color theory
  30. HSL and HSLA color values
  31. CSS gradients
  32. CSS shapes
  33. CSS clip-path
  34. CSS masks
  35. CSS variables in calc()
  36. The calc() function
  37. CSS counters
  38. The content property
  39. The quotes property
  40. The attr() function
  41. The counter() function
  42. The :empty pseudo-class
  43. The :not() pseudo-class
  44. The :checked pseudo-class
  45. The :target pseudo-class
  46. The :hover pseudo-class
  47. The :focus pseudo-class
  48. The :active pseudo-class
  49. The :visited pseudo-class
  50. The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements
  51. The ::first-letter and ::first-line pseudo-elements
  52. The ::selection pseudo-element
  53. The ::placeholder pseudo-element
  54. The transform property
  55. The transform-origin property
  56. The perspective property
  57. The backface-visibility property
  58. The transition property
  59. The transition-timing-function property
  60. The transition-delay property
  61. The animation property
  62. The animation-name property
  63. The animation-duration property
  64. The animation-timing-function property
  65. The animation-delay property
  66. The animation-iteration-count property
  67. The animation-direction property
  68. The animation-fill-mode property
  69. The filter property
  70. The contrast() function
  71. The brightness() function
  72. The blur() function
  73. The drop-shadow() function
  74. The grayscale() function
  75. The hue-rotate() function
  76. The invert() function
  77. The opacity property
  78. The text-shadow property
  79. The box-shadow property
  80. The grid-template-columns property
  81. The grid-template-rows property
  82. The grid-template-areas property
  83. The grid-template property
  84. The grid-column-start property
  85. The grid-column-end property
  86. The grid-row-start property
  87. The grid-row-end property
  88. The grid-column property
  89. The grid-row property
  90. The grid-area property
  91. The justify-content property
  92. The align-content property
  93. The justify-items property
  94. The align-items property
  95. The gap property
  96. The justify-self property
  97. The align-self property
  98. The order property
  99. The writing-mode property
  100. The direction property


My WebDev Projects


Language:HTML 93.0%Language:CSS 7.0%