Nisha P (nishap24)


Geek Repo





Company:Kodnest Technologies



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nisha P's repositories


NK Codes 💛- Product Page: Create a dynamic, visually appealing product page. Showcase multiple images, provide product details, size/color selection, quantity adjustment, and a smooth checkout experience. Optimize loading speed. Perfect for a seamless shopping experience.



"Built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this QR Code generator empowers you to quickly and effortlessly create QR codes. Simply input your desired text, URL, or any other information, and generate a QR code instantly. With a sleek and intuitive interface, this web application simplifies the process of generating QR codes for various purposes."



"Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this quote generator brings inspiration to your fingertips. Get inspired with a click of a button as it randomly generates motivational quotes. With a sleek design and seamless functionality, this web application sparks creativity and motivation, making it perfect for daily doses of inspiration."



"Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this toast notification bar provides a sleek and user-friendly way to display important messages or alerts. With customizable features and smooth animations, this web application enhances user experience by delivering timely and eye-catching notifications to keep users informed and engaged."



"Music Player is a sleek and intuitive web application for playing your favorite songs. Enjoy a seamless music listening experience with features like play/pause, skip forward/backward, progress bar, song credits, and replay option."



NK Codes💛 Stopwatch is a customizable stopwatch web application. It allows you to track time with ease and personalize the appearance to your liking. Explore and modify the code to create your own unique stopwatch experience.



A simple and user-friendly web-based calculator built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Perform basic arithmetic operations, delete characters, and evaluate expressions with ease. The calculator features a clean and responsive design, making it accessible on various devices. Customize the calculator's appearance using CSS and leverage Font Awesome i



GitHub Pop Up Info: Customize this web app with ease. Display informative pop-up notifications with personalized backgrounds, font colors, and icons. Engage users with attention-grabbing messages. Responsive and easy to integrate into any project. Enhance your web app with this versatile notification system.



Password Hide/Show: Easily toggle password visibility with a click. Customize eye icon, font colors, and background. Simple integration, enhanced user experience. Empower users, ensure privacy. Responsive design.



"Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this age calculator is a handy tool to quickly determine someone's age. Simply input the birthdate, and the calculator instantly calculates the precise age in years, months, and days. This intuitive web application offers a seamless user experience, making age calculations a breeze."



NK Codes💛 - Circular progress bar is a visually appealing and customizable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that creates a circular progress bar with a gradient color effect. It features a smooth animation, dynamic percentage display, and responsive design. Use it to showcase progress in a stylish and engaging way. Perfect for web development projec



This is a cryptocurrency information website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It displays the current value of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin on the homepage. Clicking on the respective cryptocurrency images redirects the user to their corresponding pages on "" for more detailed information.



"Dark/Light mode feature for your website. Toggle between dark and light themes with a click. Enhance user experience and improve readability in different lighting conditions. Easily customizable and user-friendly. Try it now!"



NK Codes💛 - Digital Clock is a GitHub repository showcasing a stylish and modern digital clock created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a vibrant color scheme, gradient background, and accurate time display in hours, minutes, and seconds, this clock adds a visually appealing element to your web projects.



NK Codes💛-Drag and Drop Site is a web application that enables users to easily drag and drop list items between two containers. It provides a user-friendly interface for organizing and reordering items. The site features a responsive design with stylish containers and visually appealing list items.



NK Codes💛-Email Subscription is a simple website template that allows users to subscribe to email updates. The entered email addresses are stored in a Google Sheets document for easy management and retrieval. The template features a stylish design with a background image, customizable text, and a responsive form.



This is a form validation site developed by TG Codes. It validates the user's input for full name, phone number, email address, and message. The form provides real-time validation with error messages for incorrect inputs. The UI is designed with a clean and user-friendly interface. It includes features like checking full name format, phone number l



The NK Codes💛 Image Gallery is a responsive web page that showcases a collection of images. It features a scrollable gallery with navigation buttons to navigate through the images. The gallery layout is designed using CSS grid, providing a clean and organized display. The images have a grayscale effect by default and transform to full color and sl



This is an image search engine web application. Users can search for images using keywords, and the app fetches results from the Unsplash API. Discover a variety of images related to your search queries.



NK Codes💛 Image Transition is a web page that showcases a background image transition effect. As the cursor moves horizontally, the background image reveals itself, providing an engaging visual experience.



Welcome to the Showcase of 30-Day JavaScript Projects! This website is the culmination of the 30-Day 30 JS Projects Challenge hosted by the GreatStack YouTube channel. Explore a collection of 30 JavaScript projects, ranging from utility scripts to complex web applications. Discover the power and versatility of JavaScript as you browse through the p



Live Code Editor is a web-based code editor that allows users to write, edit, and preview HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in real-time. The editor features a user-friendly interface, real-time preview, and the ability to save and download code snippets. It also supports responsive design for a seamless experience on different devices.



NK Codes💛 Mini Calendar is a simple web project that displays the current date, day, month, and year. It provides a minimalist design and serves as a handy reference for users.



This is a password strength checker implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides real-time feedback on the strength of a password as it is being typed. When the submit button is clicked, it displays alerts indicating the strength of the password and provides suggestions for improvement.



NK Codes💛-Social media dropdown is a responsive and interactive dropdown menu designed for selecting social media platforms. This code can be easily uploaded to GitHub to share and collaborate on the development of the dropdown menu. The dropdown menu provides a user-friendly interface for selecting social media options and dynamically updating th



NK Codes💛 - Text to speech is a web application that converts text into speech. Enter your text, select a voice, and click "LISTEN" to hear the speech output. It offers a user-friendly interface and utilizes the browser's Text-to-Speech API. Customize and enhance it according to your needs.Enjoy speech synthesis with ease!



NK Codes💛-Website is a launch countdown site with a visually appealing design, countdown timer, and interactive elements. Get ready for the launch and stay updated with the remaining days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Visit the GitHub repository for more details.



🌟 Welcome to our cloned Starbucks landing page! 🌟 While it may not function like the original yet, it visually resembles the real deal. Stay tuned as we continue to learn and add the necessary database and backend functionalities for a fully operational clone. Thank you for visiting! ☕️😊
