nisargsuthar / RegistryForensicsCheatSheet

Initial version of personal cheatsheet for windows registry forensics

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Windows Registry Forensics Cheat Sheet

Load the appropriate hives in the software of your choice and follow these conventions for this cheatsheet:

"" - Indicates the field value to look for.
'' - Indicates the arbitrary placeholder for identifiers.
{} - Indicates the arbitrary placeholder for GUID.
() - Extra relevant information.

Control Set:
SYSTEM > Select > "Current"

Computer Name:
SYSTEM > ControlSetXXX > Control > ComputerName > "ComputerName"

Current Timezone:
SYSTEM > ControlSetXXX > Control > TimeZoneInformation > "TimeZoneKeyName"

Operating System Bit Version:
SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > "BuildLabEx"

System Install Date:
SOFTWARE > Microsoft > WindowsNT > CurrentVersion > "InstallDate"
NOTE:- Decode it from Unix format.

Last Logged On User:
SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Authentication > LogonUI > "LastLoggedOnUser"

Last Shutdown Time:
SYSTEM > ControlSetXXX > Control > Windows > "ShutdownTime"
NOTE:- Decode it from Hex format.

Autostart Applications:
NTUSER.dat > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Run

Searched terms in Windows:
NTUSER.dat > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > WordWheelQuery

Recently Accessed Files:
NTUSER.dat > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > RecentDocs

Windows Run Queries:
NTUSER.dat > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > RunMRU

Relative Identifier for a user:
SAM > Domains > Account > Users > Names > User

User Created Accounts (Look for Relative Identifiers > 1000):
SAM > Domains > Account > Users > Names

Machine Identifier (Last 12 bytes):
SAM > Domains > Account > "V"
NOTE:- Group into 3 sets of 4, convert to little endian and convert from hex to dec.

USB devices connected:
SYSTEM > ControlSetXXX > Enum > USBSTOR

Serial Number of USB device mounted:
SYSTEM > MountedDevices

Physical Network Cards:
SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > NetworkCards

Network Interfaces:
SYSTEM > ControlSetXXX > Services > Tcpip > Parameters > Interfaces

Network Connections:
SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > NetworkList

Install date of applications:
Amcache.hve > {GUID} > InventoryApplication > 'ProgramID' > "InstallDate"

Last executed time of applications:
NTUSER.dat > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > UserAssist> {GUID} (ROT13 encoded)

Pagefile cleared at shutdown? (Used for swapping RAM):
SYSTEM > ControlSetXXX > Control > Session Manager > Memory Management > "ClearPageFileAtShutdown"
NOTE:- If value is 0, then look for the pagefile.sys file for the memory capture.


Initial version of personal cheatsheet for windows registry forensics