nis24jit / nis24jit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there, I'm Nishanth hi

About Me

I'm a passionate software developer with a keen interest in building amazing applications. I love to explore new technologies and learn new things. Currently, I'm focused on honing my skills in building full stack applications and cloud architecture.

  • 💼 Working as a Software Development Lead at Essent
  • 🌱 Currently learning GoLang, Powershell
  • 🔭 Looking to collaborate on interesting open-source projects
  • ⚡ Fun fact - I can speak 5 languages fluently

Tech Stack

Here are some of the technologies and tools I work with:

TypeScript JavaScript NodeJS C# Java Python Swift Kotlin React React Native Vue.js Angular MongoDB AmazonDynamoDB MicrosoftSQLServer Docker Kubernetes Terraform AWS Azure

Feel free to explore my repositories to find more projects and contributions.

Get in Touch

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Let's connect and collaborate!
