niolox / niolox

Config files for my GitHub profile.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  • 👋 Hi, I’m @niolox
  • 👀 I’m interested in programming' outdoor activities, spirtual experiences
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning It science and business psychology
  • 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on software hardware programming testing
  • 📫 How to reach me ? for example via TG @Serotonin221
  • I love the endless possibilities of the AI and want to encourage people, institutions, politics, science and scientists, as well as artists and designers to discuss the usage of this field of intelligence.
  • I mainly use ChatGPT with the models GPT-4 and DALL-E, as well as I use for visual inspiration and image generation
  • I focus on the creation of NFTs, they may be of visual, audio, text or mathemathical, semantic, text-based, or chemical content. I love and admire the world of plants.-
  • I love Linux, especially because of the advantage to act via a sophisticated terminal.
  • I mainly use Ubuntu , Ubuntu Studio, MX Linux, Debian and Garuda Linux. I am not the total professional, but an advanced developer with the focus on testing, integrating, and webdesign.
  • I speak German, French, English, Spanish language...
  • I ain't afraid of it but I am not a specialist in coding for exmaple C++, C#, C, and other complex, yet powerful programming languages, as I learned most of my knowledge autodidactic and without professional guidance.
  • I understand and apply HTML, Java, PHP, to my knowledge.
  • I want to conduct my experience with the language Kotlin, mySQL, C++, C, and especially with the usage of programming environments like Android Studio, Emacs etc...
  • I also want to learn SWIFT programming language, to integrate my designs to iOS and macOS devices, too. --> My aim is the integration of the design princiüples, of the Linux Kernel, to, for example, commercial OS like Microsoft Win 11. There is allready a lot of benefit with the Linux Subsystem for windows....

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Config files for my GitHub profile.