ninth-dev / typescript-quickstart

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TypeScript Quickstart

Brief overview on how to setup a TypeScript project. This doesn't go through TypeScript itself.

Basic Structure

Folder structure

|- dist # output of the file - configurable in tsconfig
|- src # where all the code sits - configurable in tsconfig
|   |- index.ts
|   |- __tests__
|       |- index.test.ts
|- node_modules # this where the dependency are pulled into, you don't need to commit this.
|- tsconfig.json # typescript compiler config
|- package.json # scripts and dependencies are listed here
|- yarn.lock
|- .nvmrc # version of node
|- .npmrc # ???
|- .eslintrc.js
|- .prettierrc
|- jest.config.js

Table of content

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Hello World
  3. ESLint
  4. Prettier
  5. Jest
  6. Glossary

Learning Resources


