nino-singh / Coding_Problems-

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These are my implementations of coding problems from various different sources including Cracking the Coding Interview, Elements of Programming Interviews, InterviewBit (website), LeetCode (website), TechieDelight (website). I am using cmake and CPPUTest to provide unit tests for each function which implements a solution to a problem. Not all problems are implemented and its very much a work in progress!

I am an embedded software engineer and I will do my best to also focus on providing exercises and solutions for problems I've encountered in my interviewing process and also problems I know have been asked in this domain.

Hope you enjoy!



Language:Makefile 49.4%Language:C 28.4%Language:C++ 11.5%Language:CMake 10.5%Language:TypeScript 0.2%