ninjah187 / DotNetNinja

Tools and utilities used in my day-to-day work.

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Tools and utilities used in my day-to-day work.

These tools are emerging from my love towards simplicity, work automation and clean APIs.


Project aiming ASP.NET Core 1.0.


What it is:

DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.ImageResizer contains few features:

Size structure:

  • which contains properties int? Width and int? Height (thanks to it you can give only one, desired dimension and auto-scale the other).

IImageResizer with ImageResizer service implementation:

  • it takes image from input path, resizes it to target Size and saves to output path.

IImagePathGenerator with ImagePathGenerator service implementation:

  • which produces output path for images of given Size.


  • thanks to interrupting HTTP pipeline, it gives you ability to resize images on the fly and use <img> element like this:
<img src="some-image.jpg"> <!-- some-image.jpg in original size -->
<img src="some-image.jpg?w=200"> <!-- some-image.jpg resized to 200px width and proportional height -->
<img src="some-image.jpg?w=200&h=100"> <!-- some-image.jpg resized to 200px width and 100 px height -->
<img src="some-image.jpg?h=100"> <!-- some-image.jpg resized to 100 px height -->


  • it only serves already resized images (gives 404 HTTP response if no particular size was found).

Sample usage:

In order to use default implementations just add following to your Startup.cs:

using DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.ImageResizer;

public class Startup
	public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
		// adds ImageResizer and ImagePathGenerator singleton services implementations

	public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
		app.UseImageResizer(); // for ImageResizerMiddleware

		// or:

		app.UseImageServer(); // for ImageServerMiddleware


Project aiming ASP.NET Core 1.0.


  • ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC
  • Entity Framework Core

What it is:

Custom user management, authentication and authorization (the latter coming in the future) library for ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core projects.

DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.UserAccess gives you:

User class:

  • model representing user of application.

ISaltGenerator with RandomSaltGenerator implementation:

  • service used to obtain salt for password hashing.

IHashManager with HashManager implementation:

  • service used to generate and verify password hashes (PBKDF2 by default).

IUserService with UserService implementation:

  • service providing basic users operations like create, delete, log in, log out.


  • MVC authentication filter that lets you control access to your controllers and actions in convenient way.


  • middleware that lets you redirect all HTTP 401 unauthorized responses (which are returned by default if authentication fails).

Sample usage:

Add DbSet<User> to your app's DbContext.

using DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.UserAccess;

public class AppDbContext : DbContext
	public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

	// ...

Configure your Startup.cs:

using DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.UserAccess;

public class Startup
	public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
		// ...

		// you also have to register your DbContext and Mvc services


		// ...

	public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
		// ...

		// optional:
		app.UseUnauthorizedRedirection("/users/login"); // unauthorized requests will be redirected to /users/login route

		// ...

Now you can restrict access to your controllers and actions by adding [UserAccess] attribute to those:

using DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.UserAccess;

public class HomeController : Controller
	// this action can be accessed by anyone:
	public IActionResult Index()
		return View();

	// this action can be accessed only if request contains cookie with valid access token:
	public IActionResult RestrictedAction()
		return View();

// every action in this controller can be accessed only if request contains cookie with valid access token:
public class RestrictedController : Controller
	public IActionResult Index()
		return View();

	public IActionResult DoSomething()
		// ...

		return View();

In order to access basic user management functionality you can use IUserService.
Sample of log in/log out controller with the injected service:

using DotNetNinja.AspNetCore.UserAccess;

public class UsersController : Controller
	IUserService _userService;

	public UsersController(IUserService userService)
		_userService = userService;

	public IActionResult LogIn()
		=> View();

	public async Task<IActionResult> LogIn(string login, string password)
		var token = await _userService.LogInAsync(login, password);

		if (token == null)
			return Unauthorized();

		return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

	public async Task<IActionResult> LogOut()
		await _userService.LogOutAsync();

		return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");


Library giving access to abstract class PropertyChangedNotifier which implements INotifyPropertyChanged and provides convenient mechanisms for notifying properties change. The mechanisms are type-safe and allow using IntelliSense.

No more magic strings causing headache while debugging!

Sample usage:

Derive from PropertyChangedNotifier:

using DotNetNinja.NotifyPropertyChanged;

public class SampleObject : PropertyChangedNotifier 
	// ...

There are 3 ways you can notify property change:

  • implicitly (my personal favorite)
public int Property 
	get { return _property; }
	set { SetProperty(ref _property, value); }
int _property;
  • with expression tree selector
public int Property
	get { return _property; }
	set { SetProperty(ref _property, value, () => Property); }
int _property;
  • with nameof keyword
public int Property
	get { return _property; }
	set { SetProperty(ref _property, value, nameof(Property)); }
int _property;


It's simple, fluent API that provides little bits of C# 7's pattern-matching-like functionality. Functional programming features are cool!

Sample usage:

interface IFoo
	void Foo();

interface IGoo
	bool IsValid { get; }
	void Goo();

interface IHoo
	void Hoo();

void SampleGeneric<T>(T item)
		.When<IFoo>(i => i.Foo())		// lambda calling i.Foo() fires if item implements IFoo
		.When<IGoo>((i, filtering) => 	// lambda fires if item implements IGoo
			if (i.IsValid)
				filtering.Break();		// if control flow reaches this point, no further type tests will be performed
		.When<IHoo>(i => i.Hoo())		// this is reached only if filtering.Break() wasn't called
		.ThrowIfNotRecognized();		// if no type was recognized, InvalidOperationException is thrown

// note: API doesn't automatically break after successful type test unless broken explicitly by user (just like in IGoo case or with BreakIfRecognized() method).


Simple WPF yes/no dialog designed for both vanilla and model-view-viewModel with dependency injection scenarios.

Sample usage:

Via static method:

using DotNetNinja.Wpf.ConfirmDialog;

if (await ConfirmDialog.ConfirmAsync("Do you really wanna do this?"))
	// confirmed
	// declined

In MVVM with DI (assuming your IoC container resolves IConfirmator to ConfirmDialogConfirmator):

using DotNetNinja.Wpf.ConfirmDialog;

public class ViewModel
	// commands, services and stuff

	IConfirmator _confirmator;

	public ViewModel(IConfirmator confirmator)
		_confirmator = confirmator;

	public async Task DoSomethingAsync()
		if (await _confirmator.ConfirmAsync("Are you sure?"))
			// confirmed
			// declined

Lib provides also AlwaysYesConfirmator and AlwaysNoConfirmator types for mocking purposes.


Tools and utilities used in my day-to-day work.


Language:C# 100.0%