ninetian / vzcontrol

Control multiple OpenVZ servers with a php5 based CLI interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VZControl - v0.6.2

A CLI environment to monitor/administrate multiple OpenVZ Host machines and the containers on them. It is written in php5, and uses standard tools such as vzctl and vzmigrate to facilitate all actions.

Table of Contents


VzControl is run from a command line, and gives you an interface to perform actions very easily. All commands are based on the standard *nix utility names, so the learning curve should be minimal. The actions include the following and more.

  • List containers on some/all OpenVZ Hosts
  • Start/Stop/Restart containers
  • List/Download templates to OpenVZ Hosts
  • Migrate containers from one OpenVZ Host to another (offline and online)
  • Create a new container
  • Shutdown/Reboot an OpenVZ Host
  • Run custom commands on an OpenVZ Host
  • Tab auto-complete of commands and containers

Quick Start (Debian)

Install php5 pear

apt-get install php5-cli php-pear php5-dev build-essential libpcre3-dev
pecl install --alldeps phar

Edit suhosin to allow phar and hoa to run

nano /etc/php/conf.d/suhosin.ini

Change ;suhosin.executor.include.whitelist =
to suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = "phar,hoa"

Download vzcontrol (compiled)

Make vzcontrol executable
chmod +x vzcontrol

Create the default config file

mrkmg$ ./vcontrol -m

If you are running this on a machine that is not one of your OpenVZ Hosts, remove the default server

VZControl> removehost local

Add in your hosts

VZControl> addhost serv1
VZControl> addhost serv2
VZControl> addhost serv3 1222   #Uses port 1222 for SSH

Write the config

VZControl> writeconfig

List running containers on all hosts

VZControl> ls

List all containers on all hosts

VZControl> lsa

List running containers on serv1

VZControl> ls serv1

Download a new template to serv3

VZControl> install serv3 debian-6.0_X86_64

View a detailed list of all commands

VZControl> help all


Debain 6.0

Install php5 and pear

apt-get install php5-cli php-pear php5-dev build-essential libpcre3-dev
pecl install --alldeps phar

Edit suhosin to allow phar and hoa to run

nano /etc/php/conf.d/suhosin.ini

Change ;suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = to suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = "phar,hoa"

CentOS 6

Install php5 and mbstring yum install php-cli php-mbstring

Edit the php.ini to allow phars to be built

nano /etc/php.ini

Set "phar.readonly = Off"



  • For each OpenVZ Host you plan on controlling, ssh keys for the root account must be shared to all other hosts


  • Share the ssh key from the computer you are running vzcontrol on with all OpenVZ Hosts


  1. Either clone the repo or download only the packaged script
    • git clone
    • wget
  2. Make vzcontrol executable
    • chmod +x vzcontrol
  3. Either manually create a config file or have vzcontrol generate a sample file for you
    • ./vzcontrol make This creates a config file at ~/.vzcontrol.conf
  4. Put all the servers in your cluster into the config file (See Configuration Below) or add them via the vzcontrol interface
  5. Optional Symlink the script to PATH
    • sudo ln -s /path/to/repo/out/vzcontrol /usr/bin/vzcontrol If cloned from repo
    • sudo ln -s /path/to/downloads/vzcontrol /usr/bin/vzcontrol If downloaded only the script
  6. Run vzcontrol
    • ./out/vzcontrol If cloned from repo
    • ./vzcontrol If downloaded
    • vzcontrol If symlinked


vzcontrol uses a configuration file to determine which servers it is able to administer. The file is very easy to understand. The file must be in the following format

;Sample vzcontrol.conf

;This is the shortname of server, something you could easily remember. Usually the systems hostname shortened
;Every server must have a host
host = shortname.domain.tld
;Port is optional, this specifies what port SSH runs on. Defaults to 22
port = 2222

host =

host =

You can also dynamically create this file via the vzcontrol command interface. For example, if you are starting from scratch.

mrkmg$ vzcontrol -m
#             VZControl              #
#           OpenVZ Manager           #
#                                    #
# Created By MrKMG <> #
# Type `help` to start               #
#                             v0.6.2 #

VZControl> removehost local
VZControl> addhost name1 host.domain
VZControl> addhost name2 2222
VZControl> writeconfig

The about command remove the sample servers added, adds two new servers, and then writes the config file.



  • PHP 5.3
    • php.ini must have "phar.readonly = Off"
  • SSH
  • For each OpenVZ Host you plan on controlling, ssh keys for the root account must be shared to all other hosts


  • Share the ssh key from the computer you are running vzcontrol on with all OpenVZ Hosts


  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Enter Dir cd vzcontrol
  3. Build: ./build to just build or ./build install to build and symlink to /usr/bin/vzcontrol


After you have built and configured vzcontrol, you can launch it from the out directory.

If you did symlink the script: vzcontrol
If you did not symlink: ./out/vzcontrol

Command Link Switches:

-h Show the help -c Define a custom config (Defaults to ~/.vzcontrol.conf) -m Make a default config file -s Temp Location for SSH Sockets (If set to same for multiple instances they we will share sockets) -v Turn on verbose mode (Warnings only) -vv Turn on verbose mode (Warnings and logs)

Here is a list of all the commands

ls [HOST] [HOST] ... List running containers on OpenVZ Host(s)

lsa [HOST] [HOST] ... List all containers on OpenVZ Host(s)

lst [HOST] [HOST] ... List templates on OpenVZ Host(s)

lsot [SECTION] List available template for download. Sections include beta, old, and contrib

install HOST TEMPLATE [SECTION] Install TEMPLATE from [SECTION] on HOST. Sections include beta, old, and contrib

mv CURENTHOST CTID DESTHOST Perform an offline migration of container CTID on CURRENTHOST to DESTHOST

mvo CURRENTHOST CTID DESTHOST Perform an online migration of container CTID on CURRENTHOST to DESTHOST

set HOST CTID OPTION Change OPTION of CTID of HOST Options are: memory, autoboot, cpuunit, cpulimit, cpus, diskquota, diskspace, ipadd, ipdel, nameserver

see HOST CTID See configuration of CTID of HOST

start HOST CTID Start container CTID on HOST

stop HOST CTID Stop container CTID on HOST

restart HOST CTID Restart container CTID on HOST

enter HOST CTID Enter container CTID on HOST

create HOST Create a new container on HOST

rm HOST CTID Destroy container CTID on HOST

reboot HOST [HOST] ... Reboot OpenVZ Host(s)

shutdown HOST [HOST] ... Shutdown OpenVZ Host(s)

uptime [HOST] [HOST] ... Get uptime for OpenVZ Host(s)

tops [HOST] [HOST] ... Get the top for OpenVZ Host(s)

clear clears all output on screen


quit Exit/Quit the program

exit Exit/Quit to the program

help [COMMAND|all] Show the help page

? [COMMAND|all] Show the help page

addhost NAME HOST [PORT] [USER] Add a host to the configuration (Defaults: Port 22, User root)

removehost NAME Remove a host to the configuration

edithost HOST OPTION VALUE Modify a host. Options are "host, port, user"

writeconfig Writes the vzcontrol config file. Use after you add, edit, or remove hosts

showconfig Displays the VZControl config contents.


Control multiple OpenVZ servers with a php5 based CLI interface