nine7nine / n7n-AGS-Shell

A Wayland/Hyprland Desktop Shell based on Aylur's GTK Shell

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n7n-AGS-Shell / Hyprland

My own AGS Shell based on Aylur's dotfiles. Aylur's AGS Desktop is great, but some of it is very specific to their own needs and style. Thus, I decided to hack away to make something suitable for me. I am running this Shell on a Microsoft Surface 7; multi-touch & Stylus support, so I need something a bit more tablet friendly...

That said; I have also stripped things down, and made the shell more 'generalized'. ie: while it has some handy functionality for tablets, it's great wihtout one too. This desktop-shell is intended to be functional, distraction-free, and modern -- while also having a bit of eye-candy.


n7n-AGS-Shell_1 n7n-AGS-Shell_2 n7n-AGS-Shell_4


  • AppDock: Auto-hide. left-side position. Supports Chrome Apps. Note: WIP still needs indicators.
  • AppLauncher: Refactored into an AppMenu. Sorts apps. Searchable/launch.
  • DateMenu: Simplified Notificatios/DateMenu widget.
  • Hyprspace: Shell Inegration via hacks/patches.
  • Hyprlock: Shell Integration & Stylized.
  • QuickSettings: Refactored, Colorized and Stylized.
  • QS/Network Widget: Use iwgtk for settings. Fix layout bugs/issues.
  • Streamlined/simpified widgets: removing redundancy and complexity where appropriate.
  • Separation of Concerns: Clearly defined seperation of roles between Hyprland and AGS/The Shell.
  • SettingsDialog: Remove unused settings (Rmoved Widgets && Hyprland settings, etc.).
  • Taskbar: Stylized indicators. Allow soft-kill with secondary/right mouse or stylus click.
  • ToolBox: Dock Widget Utilizing Hyprland controls (window managment, rotation, etc.).
  • Workspaces: Dynamic. The Bar/widget allows navigation/selection (each workspace is a button).
  • WvKBD OSK Toggle: My WvCtl Utility is used to send signals to WvKBD.


Note: I maintain a fork of Hyprspace that has patchwork to integrate Hyprspace into my Shell. You should be able to use hyprpm to install/use it. Instructions of installation (via hyprpm or manual compilation) are listed in it's

Additionally, it's important to note that Hyprland sometimes introduces bugs or breaks plugins along the way. I try to mitigate this stuff (and submit PRs when applicable). Much of that is out of my control. In the case where upstream breaks something: I simply rollback to a working commmit and rebuild Hyprland, then wait for the dust to settle before rebuilding again.

Likewise, I do pickup changes from Aylur's dotfiles (where applicable). But I also won't pick up everything (feature-wise), as there is plenty of stuff I simply do not use in my Shell, including all of the nix stuff + a number of widgets/features.


  • Ubuntu Nerd Font

Themes: (Gtk/Qt/Etc)

  • Nordic
  • Nordzy Cursors


  • Papirus (dark)


git clone
cp -r ~/n7n-AGS-Shell/ags $HOME/.config/ags

Restart AGS, or log into a Hyprland/AGS desktop session.

WvCtl Compilation

From within the ~/sources folder

gcc wvctl.c -o wvctl

After compilation; make it exectuable, and then move it somewhere in your PATH (eg: /usr/bin)

More General Tips

  1. You will need to audit my ~/hypr configs, as some of the paths and images are specific for my own machine. I also manually load hyprland plugins, due to hacking on them. Where as you may just use hyprpm to load them in a properly suppored way. So some modifications to configs are required.

  2. You don't have a touchdevice? Well, you may not want the Toolbox dock. To hide/not load Toolbox in n7n-AGS-Shell, open .config/ags/main.ts (on your machine) and comment out this line:

    windows: () => [
        //...forMonitors(ToolBoxDock), <-- here

Now Toolbox won't load up on start.

  1. Editing the Dock apps and other settings in the Shell. Most of this stuff can be found inside of .config/ags/options.ts - you will have to take a look yourself, but it's all pretty straight-forward stuff.

Final Notes:

While I have been putting this shell together for myself -- I may be willing to accept PRs, if I see value in the changes. Just keep in mind: I like simplicity; I've removed a number of things from Aylur's config (media stuff, screenrecord, redundancy from multiple widgets, etc) AND I've done away with the Shell managing Hyprland settings && relying explicitly on things like swww.

So if you have practical improvements, bugfixes or something interesting (functionally) -- it is possible that I may be interested in your contributions. While this shell is tablet-centric, it is also 'general purpose' and disabling tablet specific features is as simple is commenitng out a couple of LOC, not using Hyprgrass and removing a few settings from Hyprland.conf.

Lastly, if you want any pointers - feel free to ask.


A Wayland/Hyprland Desktop Shell based on Aylur's GTK Shell



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