nimahkh / react-ts-cs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



npm run test


npm run build


To run a live-reload Storybook server on your local machine:

npm run storybook

To export your Storybook as static files:

npm run storybook:export

You can then serve the files under storybook-static using S3, GitHub pages, Express etc

Generating New Components

I've included a handy NodeJS util file under util called create-component.js. Instead of copy pasting components to create a new component, you can instead run this command to generate all the files you need to start building out a new component. To use it:

npm run generate YourComponentName

This will generate:


The default templates for each file can be modified under util/templates.

Don't forget to add the component to your index.ts exports if you want the library to export the component!


Hosting via NPM

First, make sure you have an NPM account and are logged into NPM using the npm login command.

Then update the name field in package.json to reflect your NPM package name in your private or public NPM registry. Then run:

npm publish

The "prepublishOnly": "npm run build" script in package.json will execute before publish occurs, ensuring the build/ directory and the compiled component library exist.

Hosting via GitHub

I recommend you host the component library using NPM. However, if you don't want to use NPM, you can use GitHub to host it instead. You can then install your library into other projects by running:

npm i --save git+


npm i --save github:nimahkh/react-ts-cs#branch-name


Let's say you created a public NPM package called react-component-library with the TestComponent component created in this repository.

Usage of the component (after the library installed as a dependency into another project) will be:

import React from "react";
import TestComponent from "@nimahkh/react-ts-codesplit/build/TestComponent/TestComponent"

const App = () => (
  <div className="app-container">
    <h1>Hello I'm consuming the component library</h1>
    <TestComponent theme="primary" />

export default App;

Or without code spliting

import React from "react";
import {TestComponent} from "@nimahkh/react-ts-codesplit"

const App = () => (
  <div className="app-container">
    <h1>Hello I'm consuming the component library</h1>
    <TestComponent theme="primary" />

export default App;

Using Component Library SASS Variables

I've found that it's helpful to export SASS variables to projects consuming the library. As such, I've added the rollup-plugin-copy NPM package and used it to copy the typography.scss and variables.scss into the build directory as part of the Rollup bundle process. This allows you to use these variables in your projects consuming the component library.

For example, let's say you installed react-component-library into your project. To use the exported variables/mixins, in a SASS file you would do the following:

@import '~react-component-library/build/typography';

.example-container {
    @include heading;

    color: $white;

Additional Help

Using Alternatives to Sass

Less or Stylus

The Rollup plugin rollup-plugin-postcss supports Sass, Less and Stylus:

  • For Stylus, install stylus: yarn add stylus --dev
  • For Less, install less: yarn add less --dev

You can then remove node-sass from your dependencies.

CSS Modules

If you want to use CSS Modules, update postcss in rollup-config.js to:

  modules: true

Styled Components

If you want to use styled-components, the changes required are a bit more involved. As such, I've created a branch where I've got styled-components working in this component library.

Can I code split my components?

Yes you can.

Please note, there's an issue with code splitting and using rollup-plugin-postcss. I recommend using rollup-plugin-sass instead for code splitting.

Supporting Images

Add the following library to your component library @rollup/plugin-image:

npm i -D @rollup/plugin-image

Then add it to rollup-config.js:


You can then import and render images in your components like:

import logo from "./rollup.png";

export const ImageComponent = () => <div>{logo}</div>;


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 57.5%Language:TypeScript 33.7%Language:SCSS 8.8%