nima-siboni / RL-Heat-Treatment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reinforcement Learning for Heat-treatment

This is a reinforcement learning solution for finding the optimal heat-treatment in material sciences. The reinforcement learning is done with RLlib on a 2D phase-field environment, Furnace-Env.

0 -- Installation

0.1 -- Creating the conda env

conda create -n rl python=3.8

0.2 -- Installing the required packages

Activate the conda env:

conda activate rl

0.3 -- Update your pip

pip install --upgrade pip

0.4 -- Clone the project

git clone
cd RL-Heat-Treatment

0.4 -- Install the requirements

Install the requirements in the env

pip install -r requirements.txt

0.5 -- Modifying RLlib (for EpsilonGreedyCautious)

If you want to use Caution-Epsilon-Greedy instead of the standard Epsilon-Greedy of RLlib, you need to follow these 3 steps:

  • First configure the exploration config in agent_config.cfg:
"exploration_config": {"type": "EpsilonGreedyCautious"} # or "EpsilonGreedy"
  • Then place the where RLlib saves its explorations; For example under conda environment directory followed by envs/rl/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/rllib/utils/exploration
  • In the same directory modify the by importing the new epsilon scheduler and adding it to list of all explorations __all__:
from ray.rllib.utils.exploration.epsilon_greedy_cautious import EpsilonGreedyCautious

__all__ = [

0.6 -- Installing the package

It is an optional step. You can install this repository as a package by running

pip install -e .

from the main directory of the repo.

Have fun!

1 -- Configurations

The configuration of the enviornment, the agent, and the training are done by the following files

  • env_config.cfg: a config file for the environment, for details visit Furnace-Env.
  • agent_config.cfg: here one can set the RLlib's algorithm config, and finally
  • training_config.cfg: common training/logging configs are set here.

2 -- Learning

To start learning, execute the following command within the RL-Heat-Treatment: python experience and

3 -- Evaluating the trained agent

To evaluate the agent's performance, in, set:

  • the directory from where the agent should be loaded or you can alternatively set the find_the_latest_agent = True to load the last checkpoint:
checkpoint_dir = 'training_results/checkpoints/checkpoint_000031/checkpoint-31'
  • the directory the results should be outputted
results_directory = './agents_performance_analysis/'

Executing this file, creates a directory with one subdirectory for each evaluation episode containing:

  • the initial phase field,
  • the final phase field,
  • a GIF of intermediate PFs,
  • temperature vs step profile,
  • the density vs steps,
  • energy cost vs steps,
  • accumulated rewards vs steps, and
  • G2 vs steps.

To have an statistical analysis of the performance of the agent over many episodes, use to produce histograms and joint plots of the performance of the trained agent.



Language:Python 100.0%