nima-siboni / Logistic-RL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. The Problem

The logistic RL environment is created to solve a multi-trip version of knapsack problem (KP), in which the agent should pack the knapsack multiple times and there is also an additional cost for late packing of some of the items. As the first step toward the multi-trip knapsack, we implement a single trip version. In the single-trip version you only pack the knapsack once aiming at maximum monetary value of the packed items while respecting the maximum capacity of the knapsack.

In particular, we implement a modified version of the bounded knapsack problem (BKP). In BKP, similar to the KP, the items are coming from a fixed number of categories. Unlike KP, in BKP, the number of available items per each category is not limited to 0 or 1, but each category can have its unique available number of items. To clarify, consider the following example. Imagine we have 3 categories of items to pack, e.g. milk packs, books, oranges:

  • In KP, we can either have one or zero of each item, e.g. [0, 1, 1] meaning no milk pack, 1 book and 1 orange to choose from.
  • In BKP, we can have a variable number of items between zero and a category dependent maximum, e.g. [0, 10, 2] corresponding to zero milk pack, 10 books, and 2 oranges, where maximum for different categories in this case could be [5, 20, 10] which indicates that we can have maximum 5 milk packs, 20 books, and 10 oranges.

1.1. The Objective

As mentioned above, the objective to maximize the total monetary value of packed items given that the total mass of the packed items should be below a predefined threshold (i.e. the knapsack's capacity).

1.2. State, Actions, Rewards, Termination

1.2.1. State

In this environment, at each step, the agent decides based on the following observations (i.e. state):

  • the used capacity up to this step,
  • the number of available items in each category.

1.2.2. Action

At each step, the action is choosing one of the categories to pick an item from for packing.

If the agent takes an action which is not valid, i.e. choosing a category in which no item is left (for example, choosing to pack milk in the above example):

  • the action is not considered,
  • the state is not changed,
  • the reward of zero is returned, and
  • the process continues.

1.2.3. Reward

The reward that the agent receives is the monetary value of the packed item, if that action is accepted and does not lead to termination. In the latter cases, the reward is set to zero.

1.2.4. Termination

An episode is terminated when

  • the agent attempts going beyond the available mass capacity. In that case:
    • the state is not affected with this last action,
    • the episode is ended,
    • reward zero is returned
  • when all the available items are gone (there is nothing left to pick up).

2. Installation

2.1. Creating the conda env

conda create -n knapsack python=3.8

2.2. Installing the required packages

Activate the conda env:

conda activate knapsack

2.3. Update your pip

pip install --upgrade pip

2.4. Clone the project

git clone
cd Logistic-RL

2.5. Install the requirements

Install the requirements in the env

pip install -r requirements.txt

2.6. Install the package locally

Install the Logistic-RL package in the current environment

pip install -e .

Have fun!

3. How to use the package

3.1. Environment config

In order to create an environment, one needs a config file, e.g. meta_conf.conf:

    Env {
        capacity = 70 # Total mass capacity of the knapsack
        nr_categories = 10 # Number of categories
        specific_masses = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 10.0, 20.0, 31.50] # in Kg similar to DHL (2019)
        specific_values  = [0.45, 0.80, 0.95, 1.55, 2.70, 3.79, 4.50, 6.99, 9.49, 16.49] # in Euros, like above.
        seed_value = None  # if None is given it randomly chooses a seed.
        min_availability = [10,   10,  10,  10, 5,  2,  2,  2, 1, 1] # min number of possible items for each category
        max_availability = [100, 100, 100, 100, 50, 25, 20, 5, 3, 2] # max number of possible items for each category
        state_wrapper = True # if True, the state of the env is wrapped.

Let's have a more detailed look at the necessary ingredients of an env config:

  • capcaity: the total mass capacity of the knapsack. This is our constraint on mass.
  • nr_categories: the number of categories to choose items from. In the example above with milk packs, books, and oranges, the number of categories was equal to 3.
  • specific_masses: a list composed of the weights corresponding to each category; e.g. here the items in the first category have mass of 10 gr.
  • specific_values: a list made of monetary values the agent earn for choosing each category; e.g. by choosing an item from the first category, the agent earn 45 cents.
  • seed: the random seed for the setting the initial list of number of items in each category.
  • min_ and max_availability: when initializing the environment, a random list of available items is created, where the number of available items for each category is an integer between the min and max availability. For example for the above config, the initial number of items available in the first four categories are in range [10, 100).
  • state_wrapper: if True, the state of the env is wrapped and the state is scaled to be between 0 and 1.

Note: The above values for mass and prices are based on DHL Leistungen und Preise (2022).

3.2 -- Instantiating the Environment

After creating the config file, one can instantiate an instance of the environment simply by:

from pyhocon import ConfigFactory
from environment.knapsack import Knapsack
from utils.utils import conf_value_checking

# Reading the configs
conf = ConfigFactory.parse_file('meta_conf.conf')
# Checking the sanity of configs

# Creating the environment
env = Knapsack(env_config={'conf': conf.Env})

which is also done in .



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