nilutz / transformers_in_jax

Educational, straightforward implementation of vanilla, bert and GPT transformer models in jax

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Transformers with jax: jaxformers

The idea is start from a vanilla transformer move to the BERT style transformers (the encoding part) and the GPT style transformer(the decoding part). Implement the basic training routines and "replicate" the papers results. Why ? Because basically the underlying modules are all the same in these architectures and its fun to illustrate that fact. All this is just for fun. Keep in mind that a lot has changed and a lot of improvements could have been made, but I try to be as close as possible to the papers.

Currently implemented, tested and run:

  • Vanilla - Attention is all you need
  • BERT
  • GPT


If you want to use Jax on Apple M1 devices:

Usual requirements file install

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -r

For cuda:

pip install -r requirements.cuda.txt

Get Started

Logging with tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir=runs/ --port=6006 --bind_all #

On Lernwerk

make sync_files_to_lernwerk

make build_lernwerk

make run_gpu0_lernwerk

source .venv/bin/activate && <a command>


black jaxformers


Build docs with:

pdoc --output-dir docs jaxformers --math


More resources for each transformer: here


Educational, straightforward implementation of vanilla, bert and GPT transformer models in jax


Language:Python 100.0%