nilsso / dotfiles

my dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

my dotfiles


  • Refactor lsp-isntall server:setup() by following this
  • Conditional aliases for Windows/WSL (open)

General Setup

First and foremost

git clone ~/.dotfiles

Installing rcm

The rcm tool is one I ran accross when looking for ways to automate the setting-up and tearing-downof my dotfiles, quickly and on any machine. It does this by symlinking everything in the designated dotfiles directory (for me ~/.dotfiles) into home. Files and folders at the first level are all prepended with a dot, e.g. ~/.dotfiles/zshrc is linked to ~/.zshrc. Additionally, pre and post-symlink hooks can be used for further automating the setup.

  1. Install rcm (something like sudo apt-get install rcm or brew install rcm)

  2. Run the rcup command with the variable RCRC set to the path of ~/.dotfiles/rcrc

    env RCRC=~/.dotfiles/rcrc rcup

    This will symlink the various files and also run a couple scripts that will install various plugins for both neovim and zsh.

  3. Install zsh and set it as your login shell

    chsh -s $(which zsh) $(USER)


Python versions and virtual environments

Both pyenv for managing Python versions and pyenv-virtualenv for managing Python virtual environments. See this for a pretty good guide. It seems for some Python versions the image must be built; when that's the case follow the Python's install dependencies instructions.

To create a virtualenv for the Python version used with pyenv run pyenv virtualenv [version] <venv-name>. For example

pyenv virtualenv 2.7.10 my-virtual-env-2.7.10

If there is only one argument given to pyenv virtualenv, the virtualenv will be created with the given name based on the current pyenv Python version.

If eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" is configured in your shell (which it is in .zprofile), pyenv-virtualenv will automatically activate/deactivate virtualenvs on entering/leaving directories which contain a .python-version file that contains the name of a valid virtual environment as shown in the output of pyenv virtualenvs (e.g., venv34 or 3.4.3/envs/venv34 in example above) . .python-version files are used by pyenv to denote local Python versions and can be created and deleted with the pyenv local command.

Setup for neovim

Following this guide

TODO: Add a requirements file, ignored by rcrc, in this repo for installing the following for the nvim3 virtual environment:



my dotfiles


Language:Shell 49.1%Language:Lua 28.8%Language:Python 22.1%Language:Vim Script 0.0%