nilscc / trainingstagebuch

Simple SQL database for logging workouts.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PostgreSQL Database

Developed for PostgreSQL 9.

First create a new database:

$ createdb training

Then run the main SQL script:

$ psql -f db/main.sql training

This will install all SQL tables. Open the database with psql:

$ psql training

Once in the database list all existing schemas:

training=# \dn
   Liste der Schemas
   Name   | Eigentümer
 log_1708 | nils
(1 Zeile)

Pick the most recent one:

training=# set search_path = log_1708;

To see all tables use \dt:

training=# \dt
             Liste der Relationen
  Schema  |    Name    |   Typ   | Eigentümer
 log_1708 | t_sets     | Tabelle | nils
 log_1708 | t_workouts | Tabelle | nils
(2 Zeilen)

For more information on a table use \d, e.g.:

training=# \d t_workouts
                                     Tabelle »log_1708.t_workouts«
  Spalte   |             Typ             |                          Attribute
 id        | integer                     | not null Vorgabewert nextval('t_workouts_id_seq'::regclass)
 timestamp | timestamp without time zone | not null Vorgabewert now()
 title     | text                        |
    "t_workouts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Fremdschlüsselverweise von:
    TABLE "t_sets" CONSTRAINT "t_sets_workout_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (workout_id) REFERENCES t_workouts(id)

training=# \d t_sets
                                Tabelle »log_1708.t_sets«
   Spalte   |       Typ        |                        Attribute
 id         | integer          | not null Vorgabewert nextval('t_sets_id_seq'::regclass)
 workout_id | integer          |
 exercise   | text             |
 sets       | integer          | not null Vorgabewert 1
 reps       | integer          | not null Vorgabewert 1
 weight     | double precision | not null
 failure    | boolean          | not null Vorgabewert false
    "t_sets_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "t_sets_workout_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (workout_id) REFERENCES t_workouts(id)

To add a new workout, simply INSERT a new row into t_workouts with default values:

training=# insert into t_workouts default values returning id;
(1 Zeile)


Then add all workout sets to this workout ID, again using INSERT:

training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, '3x clean + jerk', 60, 3, 2);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, '3x clean + jerk', 70, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, '3x clean + jerk', 75, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, '3x clean + jerk', 80, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, '3x clean + jerk', 85, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'c&j', 90, 1, 2);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'jerk from rack', 60, 3, 2);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'jerk from rack', 65, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'jerk from rack', 70, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'jerk from rack', 75, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'fsq', 60, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'fsq', 100, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'fsq', 110, 3, 1);
training=# insert into t_sets (workout_id, exercise, weight, reps, sets) values (1, 'fsq', 120, 3, 1);

And eventually display all data using SELECT:

training=# select * from t_sets where workout_id = 1;
 id | workout_id |    exercise     | sets | reps | weight | failure
  1 |          1 | 3x clean + jerk |    2 |    3 |     60 | f
  2 |          1 | 3x clean + jerk |    1 |    3 |     70 | f
  3 |          1 | 3x clean + jerk |    1 |    3 |     75 | f
  4 |          1 | 3x clean + jerk |    1 |    3 |     80 | f
  5 |          1 | 3x clean + jerk |    1 |    3 |     85 | f
  6 |          1 | c&j             |    2 |    1 |     90 | f
  7 |          1 | jerk from rack  |    2 |    3 |     60 | f
  8 |          1 | jerk from rack  |    1 |    3 |     65 | f
  9 |          1 | jerk from rack  |    1 |    3 |     70 | f
 10 |          1 | jerk from rack  |    1 |    3 |     75 | f
 11 |          1 | fsq             |    1 |    3 |     60 | f
 12 |          1 | fsq             |    1 |    3 |    100 | f
 13 |          1 | fsq             |    1 |    3 |    110 | f
 14 |          1 | fsq             |    1 |    3 |    120 | f
(14 Zeilen)

All workouts are listed in the t_workouts table:

training=# select * from t_workouts;
 id |         timestamp          | title
  1 | 2017-08-08 22:37:37.308922 |
(1 Zeile)

To add a title to the workout, UPDATE the corresponding row:

training=# update t_workouts set title = 'The first workout' where id = 1;
training=# select * from t_workouts;
 id |         timestamp          |       title
  1 | 2017-08-08 22:37:37.308922 | The first workout
(1 Zeile)


Simple SQL database for logging workouts.


Language:Python 100.0%