nikunj05122 / Tax-Collection-Application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tax Collection Website

  • This is a web application designed to facilitate tax collection from the country's citizens.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface for taxpayers to pay their taxes online, while also offering government officials an administrative dashboard to monitor tax collection statistics.


  • User Dashboard : Allows users to easily pay their taxes online.
  • Admin Dashboard : Provides government officials with graphical representations of tax collection data, including details on individual taxpayer payments and pending taxes.
  • Sorting Functionality : Users and admins can sort tax collection data based on date ranges to analyze total tax collection within specific timeframes.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js : Server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
  • Express.js : Web application framework for Node.js.
  • MongoDB : NoSQL database used for storing tax collection data.
  • Mongoose : MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
  • Stripe : Payment gateway integration for online tax payments.
  • EJS : Templating language for generating HTML markup with JavaScript.


This application is deployed on Render Please check it out 😄 here

See admin dashboard demo


Email Password access 1234567890 User 1234567890 Admin


  1. Clone the repository :
  1. Install dependencies :
cd Tax-Collection-Application
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables:
  • Create a config.env file in the root directory and add the following variables:
DATABASE_URL = your_mongodb_uri
DATABASE_PASSWORD = your_mongodb_password
EMAIL = your_email_use_for_send_email
PASS = your_email_password
SECRET_KEY = stripe_secret_key
PUBLISHABLE_KEY = stripe_publishable_key
JWT_SECRET = your_jwt_secret
JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES_IN = jwt_cookie_expires
JWT_EXPIRES_IN = jwt_expires
URL = url_of_your_host_use_in_mail
PORT = 4000
  1. Run the application :
npm start


  • Once the application is running, you can access it through your web browser at http://localhost:4000.
  • Users can navigate to the user dashboard to pay their taxes online.
  • Admins can access the admin dashboard to view graphical tax collection data and sort tax records based on specific date ranges.



Language:EJS 66.4%Language:JavaScript 25.9%Language:HTML 5.7%Language:CSS 2.1%