nikolaymatrosov / expr

Expression language and expression evaluation for Go

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Expr is a Go-centric expression language designed to deliver dynamic configurations with unparalleled accuracy, safety, and speed.

expr logo

// Allow only admins and moderators to moderate comments.
user.Group in ["admin", "moderator"] || user.Id == comment.UserId
// Ensure all tweets are less than 240 characters.
all(Tweets, .Size <= 240)


Expr is a safe, fast, and intuitive expression evaluator optimized for the Go language. Here are its standout features:

Safety and Isolation

  • Memory-Safe: Expr is designed with a focus on safety, ensuring that programs do not access unrelated memory or introduce memory vulnerabilities.
  • Side-Effect-Free: Expressions evaluated in Expr only compute outputs from their inputs, ensuring no side-effects that can change state or produce unintended results.
  • Always Terminating: Expr is designed to prevent infinite loops, ensuring that every program will conclude in a reasonable amount of time.

Go Integration

  • Seamless with Go: Integrate Expr into your Go projects without the need to redefine types.

Static Typing

  • Ensures type correctness and prevents runtime type errors.
    out, err := expr.Compile(`name + age`)
    // err: invalid operation + (mismatched types string and int)
    // | name + age
    // | .....^


  • Provides user-friendly error messages to assist with debugging and development.

Flexibility and Utility

  • Rich Operators: Offers a reasonable set of basic operators for a variety of applications.
  • Built-in Functions: Functions like all, none, any, one, filter, and map are provided out-of-the-box.


  • Optimized for Speed: Expr stands out in its performance, utilizing an optimizing compiler and a bytecode virtual machine. Check out these benchmarks for more details.


go get


Expr Code Editor

Expr Code Editor

Also, I have an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript which allows editing expressions with syntax highlighting and autocomplete based on your types declaration.

Learn more →


Play Online

package main

import (

func main() {
	env := map[string]interface{}{
		"greet":   "Hello, %v!",
		"names":   []string{"world", "you"},
		"sprintf": fmt.Sprintf,

	code := `sprintf(greet, names[0])`

	program, err := expr.Compile(code, expr.Env(env))
	if err != nil {

	output, err := expr.Run(program, env)
	if err != nil {


Play Online

package main

import (

type Tweet struct {
	Len int

type Env struct {
	Tweets []Tweet

func main() {
	code := `all(Tweets, {.Len <= 240})`

	program, err := expr.Compile(code, expr.Env(Env{}))
	if err != nil {

	env := Env{
		Tweets: []Tweet{{42}, {98}, {69}},
	output, err := expr.Run(program, env)
	if err != nil {


Who uses Expr?

  • Aviasales uses Expr as a business rule engine for our flight search engine.
  • uses Expr for decision-making rule engine in the Wish Assistant.
  • Argo uses Expr in Argo Rollouts and Argo Workflows for Kubernetes.
  • Crowdsec uses Expr in a security automation tool.
  • FACEIT uses Expr to allow customization of its eSports matchmaking algorithm.
  • qiniu uses Expr in trade systems.
  • Junglee Games uses Expr for an in house marketing retention tool Project Audience.
  • OpenTelemetry uses Expr in the OpenTelemetry Collector.
  • Philips Labs uses Expr in Tabia, a tool for collecting insights on the characteristics of our code bases.
  • CoreDNS uses Expr in CoreDNS, a DNS server.
  • Chaos Mesh uses Expr in Chaos Mesh, a cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform.
  • Milvus uses Expr in Milvus, an open-source vector database.
  • uses Expr as a business rule engine for our personalization targeting algorithm.
  • Akvorado uses Expr to classify exporters and interfaces in network flows.

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Expression language and expression evaluation for Go

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%