nikmonios / MQTT_Broker

Setup of a TLS MQTT Broker. Certificates are assumed that have been previously created by the user.

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Setup of a TLS MQTT Broker. Certificates are assumed that have been previously created by the user.

How to start the broker

Navigate to the directory that the docker-composer.yml file is and run the following command in the CLI:

sudo docker-compose up -d

Check that the broker is running

In the CLI type:

sudo docker ps -a

Output will look like this:

xxxxxxxxxxxx   eclipse-mosquitto   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 months ago   Up 3 seconds>8883/tcp, :::8883->8883/tcp, 1883/tcp,>9001/tcp, :::9001->9001/tcp   broker_mosquitto_1


Setup of a TLS MQTT Broker. Certificates are assumed that have been previously created by the user.