nikkothari22 / ConsoleUNO

Console based UNO game (Java)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Console based UNO game (Java)


An UNO game consists of cards – 4 colours (25 each)


  1. 0 : 1 card/colour.
  2. 1 to 9 : 2 cards/colour.
  3. Skip / Reverse / Draw 2 : 2 cards/colour.
  4. Wild Cards : 4 cards.
  5. "Draw Four" + Wild Cards : 4 cards.

Data Structures used :

  1. Doubly Linked List for player objects
  2. Stack/queue for deck of cards


1. Card:


  1. int colour – contains color code of card (R-0, G-1, B-2, Y-3)
  2. int cardType – contains card type code


  1. setRandomCard() – creates a random card (random colour and type). Returns the card object.
  2. cardColourCodeConvert() – returns the String equivalent of the card colour.
  3. cardTypeCodeConvert() – returns the String equivalent of the card type.

2. Player:


  1. String playerName – contains player name
  2. Int playerNumber – contains playerNumber
  3. Int numberOfCards – contains total number of cards possessed by player
  4. Card playerDeck[] - contains array of card objects which player has.


  1. getPlayerName() – accepts player name
  2. addCardToDeck(card) – adds parameter card to player deck
  3. removeCardFromDeck(int) – removes card from player deck
  4. displayPlayerDeck() – displays complete player deck.

3. Game:


  1. int totalDeck[][] – contains information of all the cards used in the game.
  2. Card extraDeck[] – array of card objects for extra cards.
  3. Int topExtraDeck – indicates top of extraDeck stack
  4. Int bottomExtraDeck – indicates bottom of extraDeck stack
  5. Card playingCard – the card in play (a.k.a. reference card)
  6. Int numberOfPlayers – Total no. of players in the game
  7. Int totalNumberOfCards – total no. of cards (108)
  8. Int numberOfCardsPerPlayer – number of cards each player has at the start.
  9. Int gameDirection – used to reverse the flow of control of game
  10. Player p0: p0 is head of Linked List.


  1. checkRandomCardValidity() – checks random card generated, then adds entry to totalDeck[][], then returns true or false.
  2. Main() – main function of program, start-point.
  3. setCardsForPlayer(Player) – sets initial random cards for player
  4. setDoublyLinkedList() – sets the linking of all the player objects
  5. gameStart() – multiple uses – accepts number of users, no. of cards
  6. displayAllPlayers() – displays details and card deck of every player object
  7. setExtraDeck() – sets the remaining extra deck as a doubly ended stack
  8. setFirstCard() – chooses the first card in gameplay
  9. displayPlayingCard() – displays the reference card object details
  10. popExtraDeck(), pushExtraDeck()
  11. playerTurn() – recursive function controlling game play
  12. nextPlayerDrawsCard() – for Draw 2 and Draw 4 cards
  13. ifCardIsWild() – accepts change of colour if Wild card is played.
  14. checkCardPlayable() – checks the card whether it can be played by comparing it to reference card.


Console based UNO game (Java)


Language:Java 100.0%