nikitalogos / birthday_reminder

Convert your text-file birthdays into a Google Calendar, complete with annual events, notifications, handling of February 29th, zodiac signs, and more!

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Birthday Reminder

Convert your text-file birthdays into a Google Calendar, complete with annual events, notifications, handling of February 29th, zodiac signs, and more!


Google Calendar is a powerful app, but it can be difficult to get through it's complex and bulky interface. Also creating individual events can be a tedious and frustrating task.

This simple tool is created to simplify the management of birthday events in Google Calendar. You just create a plain-text file with birthdays like that: 1990-01-31 Brave Kitty, and birthday-reminder creates a new calendar based on this file. If you edit the file in the future, just run birthday-reminder again to update the calendar and that's it!

Quick start

  1. Install program to your computer - see Install CLI
  2. Windows
    1. click to birthday-reminder.exe, you should see a black text window showing up
    2. type validate into this window
  3. MacOS / Linux
    1. execute ./birthday-reminder validate in the terminal
  4. you should see File ...Birthdays.txt is valid!
  5. Windows
    1. type show next
  6. MacOS / Linux
    1. run ./birthday-reminder show next
  7. you should see one birthday record with default person:
Showing birthdays sorted by days to the next birthday:

1. 2020-01-01 - ๐ŸŽ John Doe - 3 years old (Will be 4 in 169 days)
  1. Now open file Birthdays.txt and replace John Doe with your birthdays. Please follow the format described in File format
  2. run show next again, to check that your data is valid
    1. other options are show date and show year. They do the same, but with different sort order. To learn more, see Usage
  3. now you are ready to upload birthdays to Google Calendar. But first, you need to authorize in Google API. Follow the steps here: Authorize in Google Calendar API
  4. run command upload in birthday-reminder
    1. for the first time, you will be redirected to Google OAuth page. It opens in default browser, if you want to open it in a different browser, just copy link from the program window and paste to your browser manually.
    2. after authorization is done, the program will show you what changes it is going to make in your Google Calendar. To accept them, press y, then Enter
    3. this will create new calendar Birthday Reminder in the Google Calendar and upload your birthday events to it
  5. to see your events, you can navigate to You may need to refresh the page to see changes.
  6. Great, that's it! Now you will be notified about birthdays by Google via email and push notifications!
  7. To make changes to birthdays, just edit text file and then run upload again.
  8. Please, do not edit events manually in Google Calendar, as it may break some logic.
    1. If you do change something in Birthday Reminder calendar, you can always delete it and then run upload again, but please be very cautious to not to delete your own data!
  9. Now you can explore more calendar features. All customizations are done by editing the main_config.yaml file. To learn more, read Features and Advanced usage
  10. For more information about commands, read Usage
  11. If you have problems with Unicode symbols, see Unicode issues

File format

File format is very simple:

  1. Each line is a record with two fields: date and title separated by whitespace
    1. date is in format YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD (year is optional)
    2. title can contain any symbols except #
  2. text after # is considered a comment and is ignored
  3. empty lines are ignored
  4. whitespace before and after date and title is ignored


# this is a comment
2000-01-01 John Doe # this is also a comment
  2000-01-02 Jane      # leading/trailing tabs/spaces are ignored
02-03 Alex # date can be specified without year
2000-01-03 # error, title is missing
Alex # error, date is missing


Birthday reminder has pretty good default params, so you can just use it without configuration at all, but you may want to customize it. Here I will tell you about the features and how you can configure them. For more information, please see default_config.yaml (or main_config.yaml, which will be created on installation)

  1. title_prefix and title postfix - adds constant text before person's name, like "Birthday of ....", "....'s birthday", etc.
  2. use_zodiac_signs, use_zodiac_names - enable adding zodiac info to the event title like that: "Birthday of John Doe โ™‘ (Capricorn)"
  3. use_time - choice between two options: full-day events (that last 00:00-23:59) and timed events - where you can choose event_time and event_duration.
    1. Note that time and duration are common for all events within the calendar. Individual time setting is not implemented for the sake of simplicity.
  4. remind_29_feb_on_1_mar - when somebody has a birthday on February 29th, there is a question - in what day to celebrate a birthday in non-leap year. In birthday-reminder there are two options - to set event either on February 28th or on March 1st. If remind_29_feb_on_1_mar is set to false, the first option is applied. If set to true - the second one.
  5. popup_reminders_minutes, email_reminders_minutes - google can either notify you about event via popup on your phone or via email. You can set up to 5 reminder per event. Here reminder times are specified in minutes before the start of the event (negative values don't work).
    1. You may need to use your calculator to compute the amount of minutes in day or in a week, so here are the shortcuts: 1 day = 1440 min, 1 week = 10080 min

Integration with Birthday Greetings AI

You can create an outstanding birthday greeting with Birthday Greetings AI!

To do this, simply clico on birthday event in Google Calendar to open the description and follow the link provided there.

To try Birthday Greetings AI independently, visit

To learn more about Birthday Greetings AI, visit its Birthday Greetings AI @ Github

Unicode issues

This program uses emojis, which are Unicode symbols.

If you are on Windows 10 and earlier, unicode symbols may not show correctly in the command line. To avoid this, you can run birthday-reminder.exe from Git Bash terminal, or just do nothing. Regardless of command line display issues, emojis would be correctly uploaded to Google Calendar.

If you are a Windows user, also make sure that your config file and file with birthdays are in UTF-8 encoding. If you use files provided with executable, they are fine, but if you specify your custom files, should pay attention to it. The simplest way to create a file in the correct encoding is to copy file provided in release package and put it in the desired location.

Install CLI

Download executable

  1. Navigate to Releases page
  2. Select distribution for your operating system and download it
  3. Unpack folder and put it to a place of your choice
  4. To run the application you need:
    1. on Windows - double-click on birthday-reminder.exe (or open a terminal and execute birthday-reminder.exe)
    2. on Linux / MacOS - open a terminal and execute ./birthday-reminder -h

Install from source

Tested on Ubuntu 22.04, but should work on Linux and MacOS.

  1. Put this directory to the place where all your programs live. Do not move it after installation or links will break!
  2. Enter the directory cd birthday_reminder
  3. Run make install_python to setup Python3 environment. What it does:
    1. installs packages python3.11 and python3.911-venv
      1. (if you want to use it with different version of python, you can edit Makefile. However, it may not work with older versions of python
    2. creates virtual environment venv in directory birthday_reminder
  4. Run make install to install. What it does:
    1. creates directory auth with proper rights
    2. generates files main_config.yaml and Birthdays.txt
    3. creates executable /usr/local/bin/birthday-reminder that runs code from the current repository
  5. Restart your shell to make autocompletion for command name work
  6. Run birthday-reminder --help

If you want to contribute, you may also want to install pre-commit hook: make install_git_pre_commit_hook

Developer note: make install installs package in editable mode, so you can edit code and birthday-reminder will use the updated version

Uninstall from source

  1. Remove python3.11 if you do not need it (which is unlikely) - sudo apt-get uninstall python3.11 python3.11-venv
  2. Run make uninstall
  3. delete this repository folder


  1. you can modify all params in file main_config.yaml
    1. File main_config.yaml is created during installation. It has detailed description of all params.
  2. you can also pass these params as command line arguments. CLI arguments have higher priority than config file.
    1. If you want, you can specify a custom config file location with CLI argument --config-file
  3. However, I don't recommend to use CLI arguments, because they are not as intuitive as YAML syntax.

Authorize in Google Calendar API

To connect birthday-reminder to your Google Calendar, you need to authorize in Google Calendar API.

Get credentials

First, you need to obtain credentials.

Here is the detailed visual guide how to do it:

  1. Download - super_detailed_guide_through_google_api.pdf
  2. Web (may not work) - super_detailed_guide_through_google_api.pdf

Here is the short text version:

  1. Go to the Google API Console
  2. Create a new project birthday-reminder
  3. Enable Google Calendar API for the project
  4. Go to the Credentials section on the left navigation bar
  5. Click on Configure Consent Screen
    1. Go through the steps to configure your consent screen
    2. It's important to choose auth/calendar scope
  6. Click on Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID
    1. Select Web application as your Application type
    2. Set up your Authorized redirect URIs. Type this string exactly: http://localhost:58585/
  7. You'll get a client_id and client_secret โ€” these are important for your project to connect to the API.
    1. Press Download json and download .json file with your credentials

Save credentials

  1. Rename downloaded file to google_secret.json
  2. Put it to the directory auth in the root of the project.


  1. You can add birthdays to the Birthdays.txt file, which is created during installation.
    1. You can specify a custom file location by editing parameter input_file in main_config.yaml
  2. To check if file is valid, run birthday-reminder validate
  3. To show birthdays from file, run birthday-reminder show next - this will show birthdays sorted by number of days to the next birthday.
    1. The other sort options are:
      1. show date - sorted by month and day
      2. show year - sorted by year of birth (dates without known year will show up in the end)
  4. To show birthdays from Google Calendar, run birthday-reminder gshow next.
    1. To run this command, you first need to authorize in Google Calendar. (See the previous section for details)
    2. If you haven't run upload yet, there will be no birthdays in Google Calendar, so you'll see an empty list.
  5. To show diff between file and Google Calendar, run birthday-reminder diff
  6. To upload birthdays from file to Google Calendar, run birthday-reminder upload
    1. This command first will show diff between file and Google Calendar, explain what changes it's going to make and ask for confirmation
    2. Upload supports optional flags:
      1. -y / --yes - do not ask for confirmation
      2. -f / --force - delete all events in Google Calendar and upload all events from file


  1. birthday-reminder will create a new calendar in your Google Calendar called Birthday Reminder (you can change this name in main_config.yaml).
  2. It will not modify any events from other calendars.
  3. Calendar created by birthday-reminder is not intended to be edited manually from Google Calendar web interface.
  4. The only things you can do in web interface are
    1. change the color of the calendar (unfortunately, it's not possible to change the color via API).
    2. set the default calendar time zone. (also does't work through API). It is useful if you choose full-day events option (use_time: false), because full-day events follow the calendar time zone. Timed events, however, follow the time zone of the event itself, which is effectively set by the birthday-reminder program.
  5. If you want to edit events, you should edit Birthdays.txt file and run birthday-reminder upload again.

Advanced usage

  1. If you want, you can create several birthday calendars with different preferences. For example, one for friends and one for colleagues.
  2. To do this, you need to create two separate config files, then configure each calendar accordingly.
  3. birthday-reminder distinguishes calendars by their names, so just set different values in calendar_name field.
    1. Be careful and do not set the same name as your existing calendar, otherwise birthday-reminder can potentially delete all events from it!
    2. However, it will ask for confirmation before doing this (if --force parameter is not specified).
  4. also set fields input_file in both config to point to corresponding text files with your birthdays data
  5. After that, you can run birthday-reminder <command> with --config-file (or simply -c) parameter to specify which config file to use.


Convert your text-file birthdays into a Google Calendar, complete with annual events, notifications, handling of February 29th, zodiac signs, and more!

License:MIT License


Language:Python 95.5%Language:Makefile 4.5%