nikhil-malviya / mongo-logistics

Logistics app using MongoDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Building the application

In order to build the application, you'll need to install the following:

Restore packages for API

cd Logistics
dotnet restore

Running the application

Start the API:

cd Logistics/Logistics.API
dotnet run

Open a browser and enter the URL http://localhost:5000 to view the site

Production Deployment

For the best performance publish the application in release mode

dotnet publish -c Release -o Deploy --self-contained false

This will create a folder called Deploy with all the necessary files to run the application. You can use the following command to run the published application:

cd Deploy
dotnet Logistics.API.dll

Running scripts on the database

Create a new collection cities using the following aggregation on worldcities collection

 $match: {
  population: {
   $gt: 1000
}, {
 $sort: {
  population: -1
}, {
 $group: {
  _id: '$country',
  cities: {
   $push: '$$ROOT'
}, {
 $project: {
  _id: '$_id',
  cities15: {
   $slice: [
}, {
 $unwind: {
  path: '$cities15',
  preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
}, {
 $project: {
  _id: {
   $concat: [
     $replaceAll: {
      input: '$cities15.city_ascii',
      find: '/',
      replacement: '%2F'
    ' - ',
     $replaceAll: {
      input: '$',
      find: '/',
      replacement: '%2F'
  position: [
  country: '$',
  createdAt: new Date(),
  metadata: {
   schemaType: 'city',
   schemaVersion: '1.0',
}, {
 $out: 'cities'

Create a new collection planes using the following aggregation on cities collection

 $sample: {
  size: 200
}, {
 $group: {
  _id: null,
  planes: {
   $push: {
    currentLocation: '$position',
    departed: '$_id'
}, {
 $unwind: {
  path: '$planes',
  includeArrayIndex: 'id'
}, {
 $project: {
  _id: {
   $concat: [
     $toString: '$id'
  currentLocation: '$planes.currentLocation',
  departed: '$planes.departed',
  heading: {
   $literal: 0
  route: [],
  createdAt: new Date(),
  metadata: {
   schemaType: 'plane',
   schemaVersion: '1.0'
}, {
 $out: 'planes'


The application automatically creates 2DSphere indexes for collections cities and planes on position and currentLocation fields respectively. Additionally, indexes can be created on location for planes collection and status, location on cargos collection.


Document Helpers

  • Document helpers for city, cargo and plane documents.
  • Provides Get and Set methods for flexible schemaless retrieval and assignment of value
public BsonValue Get(string field)
    return Document.GetValue(field);

public void Set(string field, BsonValue value)
    Document.Set(field, value);
  • Provide get and set accessor method for type safe retrieval and assignment of value
public string Country
    get => Document.GetValueAsString(City.Country);
    set => Document.Set(City.Country, value);

Command And Query Helpers

  • Command And Query helpers are provide for segragating the command and query logic from the application logic. Queries can be separately optimized in this way.
public static async Task<IEnumerable<BsonDocument>> FindAsync(IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection, FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> filter, ProjectionDefinition<BsonDocument> projection = default, int limit = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var options = new FindOptions<BsonDocument, BsonDocument>()
        Limit = limit,
        Projection = projection,

    return (await collection.FindAsync<BsonDocument>(filter, options, cancellationToken)).ToEnumerable(CancellationToken.None);
public static async Task<UpdateResult> UpdateOneAsync(IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection, FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> filter, UpdateDefinition<BsonDocument> update, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    return await collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update, default, cancellationToken);

Development Notes

  • Open API integration Swagger and static file serving.
  • Configuration and constants used where appropriate.
  • Asynchronous endpoints and function calls. Ceremony is kept to a minimum. Third party libraries are avoided to minimise attack surface.
  • Service layer is implemented using dependency injection.
  • No POJO/POCO, mappers or repositories are used in this application. Responses are served using into appropriate response classes. The application is designed to be easily extensible.
  • Schemaless flexible design and type safety both are considered in this application. Nested objects and suitable datatypes are used to best model the documents.
  • Both Read and Write Concern are majority throughout the application.
  • Read Preference is secondary for city collection as the data updates to this collection are less frequent.
  • Logging and error handling is implemented. Use of functional Result type is encouraged.
  • Atlas used for database and change stream capabilities. Change stream are used to track changes for planes collection and update nested statistics document.
  • Calculation of total distance travelled by a plane, total airtime for a plane, distance since last maintenance and maintenance requirement are tracked in the using change stream.
  • Builder pattern is used to generate queries which are compile time checked for correctness ensuring confidence in the application refactoring.
  • Indexes are created for collections to improve performance. GeoSpatial indexes are created for cities and planes collections at application startup.
  • Aggregations include metadata which holds schema type and version, these are populated when a collection is created. Some fields like departed are populated while creating planes collection to save computations.
createdAt: new Date(),
metadata: {
    schemaType: 'plane',
    schemaVersion: '1.0',

Future Work

  • There are many ways to improve the application. For example the nearby cities can be pre-computed and stored in the database. Old data can be archived and frequently accessed data can be served via inmemory storage engine.


Logistics app using MongoDB

License:MIT License


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