nikenhpsr / projects

This is a compilation of projects that I build while learning Webdev, Data Engineering, and Machine Learning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Tech Adventures

Welcome to my tech adventure hub! Here, you'll find an array of projects I've embarked upon in the vast realm of technology. Feel free to journey through and immerse yourself in my progress and endeavors.

Web Development Projects
  • Random Advices Generator: Unearth a trove of wisdom with this generator that bestows nuggets of advice to enlighten your path. Harness its insights and conquer challenges with newfound clarity. GitHub Repo | Live Demo

  • Personal Web/Blog: Step into my digital sanctuary featuring a home base, projects showcase, services overview, engaging blog posts, and a window into my professional journey through my CV. GitHub Repo | Live Site

  • Feastival - Event Discovery App: Your event discovery and tracking companion! Discover, track, and relish events customized to your passions. Unleash the magic of celebration with FEASTIVAL - your gateway to unforgettable experiences! 🌟🥳

    Feastival brings you the following features:

    • Personalized Event Discovery: Discover a wide range of events tailored to your interests and preferences.
    • Location-Based Tracking: Track events from your preferred locations, ensuring you never miss out on local happenings.
    • Secure User Profiles: Enjoy a personalized experience with authentication and authorization features.
    • Effortless Event Management: Use CRUD operations to seamlessly create, read, update, and delete events from your collection.

    Explore Feastival on GitHub and Live Site!

Data Engineering Projects
Machine Learning Engineering Projects
MLOps Projects


Feel free to join me on this journey, and if you have any questions or stories to share, let's connect!

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This is a compilation of projects that I build while learning Webdev, Data Engineering, and Machine Learning