nihlton / react-peek-element

Show/hide an element on scroll

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React Peek Element

React Peek Element [BETA]

Allow a UI element to scroll off screen as the user scrolls down, but as soon as the user scrolls up, begin revealing the element.

Useful for navigation and other persistent elements which we want highly available, but to not consume screen realestate until needed.

live demo


npm install react-peek-element


yarn add react-peek-element


      <PeekElement config={ [config] }>
  • config - (optional) object containing:
    • sizeListener - will receive a bounding rect when the dimensions or scroll position of the element changes.
    • parentProps, childProps, placeHolderProps - Entry values will be spread into the respective elements. Apply classNames, styles, event handlers etc. Use with caution.
    • revealDuration - If you're using the alt usage (See below), this determines the animation length in milliseconds.

Alt Usage

      <PeekElement config={ [config] }>
        ({hide, show}) => [children]
  • {hide, show} - Alternatively, children can be passed as a function which accepts an object containing two methods - hide, and show. Should the wrapped element need to change its visibility, it can call show() or hide()


  • The element wrapping your child element will have convenience classes applied while scrolling, so you can restyle your element as needed.
    • scrolling-up
    • scrolling-down
    • To do: make these configurable.
	.my-element { box-shadow: none; }
	.scrolling-up .my-element,
	.scrolling-down .my-element {
		box-shadow: 0 1rem 3rem #0001, 0 0 .5rem #0002;


Show/hide an element on scroll

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%