nighty1338 / dauricum

dauricum - Python 3.10+ obfuscator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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πŸ“: about the project

python 3.10+ obfuscator. no more on pypi.

πŸ’Ύ: features

  • call transformer - hides the name of the called function
  • control flow transformer - makes flow very difficult to understand
  • exception jump transformer - throws an exception with the value and catch it as instruction number
  • format transformer - convert string format to format() method call
  • function transformer - hides function args
  • import transformer - makes imports difficult to understand
  • number transformer - makes numbers and lists of numbers difficult to understand
  • outline transformer - passes a function call into lambda to make it more difficult to understand
  • renamer transformer - renames variables and function names. (not stable, so maybe not work in large files)
  • string transformer - makes strings difficult to understand
  • bi-opaque transformer - transforms simple logical expression into complex one
    bytecode transformer and more soon

πŸ“–: getting started

you can install dauricum from source

$ git clone && cd dauricum

obfuscate file (you need to configure it)

$ python3

πŸͺ§: examples

you can check out them at examples folder

πŸ“Š: control flow graph



