nigelpoulton / gsk-workshop

Getting Started with Kubernetes workshop - KubeCon 2022

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Welcome to the Getting Started with Kubernetes workshop!

Complete the following sections to build a lab environment. The steps may look complicated, but they're not.

  1. Install kubectl and git
  2. Sign-up to Linode ($100 free credit included)
  3. Create a Kubernetes cluster on Linode
  4. Connect to your Kubernetes cluster
  5. Clean-up

1. Install kubectl and git

Install kubectl

Install git

  • MacOS: brew install git

  • Windows: Download the installation exe from here and follow the installation wizard.

You should quit and re-open your terminal.

2. Sign-up to Linode

Go to and complete your sign-up. This link includes $100 of free credit to pay for your cluster during the workshop.

3. Create a Kubernetes cluster on Linode

You must be logged in to to complete the following steps.

  1. Select Kubernetes on the left-hand navigation pane
  2. Choose Create Cluster and set the following options
  3. Cluster label: Give your cluster a name such as gsk
  4. Region: Dallas, TX
  5. Kubernetes Version: 1.23 (newer versions will also work)
  6. Add Node Pools: Click Dedicated CPU and click the blue Add button at the end of the Dedicated 4 GB line (this will add 3 x 4GB nodes)
  7. When your settings match the image below, click Create Cluster

LKE Settings

It may take a couple of minutes for your cluster to be ready.

4. Connect to your Kubernetes cluster

You must be logged in to to complete the following steps.

  1. Click Kubernetes on the left-hand navigation pane
  2. Click the Download kubeconfig link for your cluster (the download will fail if your cluster is still being created)
  3. Copy the downloaded file to the hidden ./kube folder in your home directory
    • If you already have a file called config in your hidden ./kube folder, rename the existing file to config.bkp
    • Rename the file you just downloaded from Linode and copied to your hidden ./kube folder to config. Be sure the file is called config and not something like config.yml.
  4. Open a terminal and type the following command. Your output should look similar
kubectl get nodes
NAME                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
lke76472-118784-634d2eb30838   Ready    <none>   5m23s   v1.23.6
lke76472-118784-634d2eb32f20   Ready    <none>   5m21s   v1.23.6
lke76472-118784-634d2eb354b1   Ready    <none>   4m51s   v1.23.6

Congratulations, you're connected to your Kubernetes cluster.

5. Clean-up (complete when you're FINISHED)

Run the following steps after the workshop is finished to shut down your lab and return to your pre-lab settings.

You must be logged in to to complete these steps.

Delete your Kubernetes cluster

  1. Click Kubernetes in the left navigation pane. Your cluster will be listed.
  2. Click the Delete button on the far right of your cluster and follow the prompts. If you have other clusters, be sure to delete the cluster used for the workshop. You may be prompted to type the name of your cluster as confirmation of the operation.

Delete other Linode resources

If you have other resources and clusters on Linode, be sure you only delete resources that were part of the workshop.

  1. Click NodeBalancers and delete any NodeBalancers created as part of the lab.
  2. Click Volumes and clik the three dots to the far right of each volume created as part of the workshop. Choose Delete from the list and follo the prompts.

Revert your kubeconfig

If you already had kubectl installed, you will need to revert to your saved kubeconfig file.

  1. Navigate to the hidden ./kube folder in your home folder
  2. Delete the file called config
  3. Rename the config.bkp file to config

Your kubeconfig is now reverted to it's pre-workshop configuration.


Getting Started with Kubernetes workshop - KubeCon 2022


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