nigelgilbert / clojureVSCode

Clojure support for Visual Studio Code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Clojure support for Visual Studio Code.

I'm trying, believe me!


Supported Features

  • Code completion
  • Code navigation
  • Interaction with REPL
  • Showing documentation on hover
  • Function signatures

Features That Are Not Supported (But Nice to Have)

Before you start

This extension relies on Cider nREPL. This means you will need to add it to your profiles.clj. Put the following content to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

{:user {:plugins  [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.13.0"]]
       :dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"]]}}

Getting Started Walkthrough

  1. Create a Clojure project you wish to connect to. For this guide we will use Leinigen

    $ lein new hello-vscode
  2. Start a REPL in your terminal, and note the port the REPL is listening on

    $ cd hello-vscode
    $ lein repl
    nREPL server started on port 45247 on host - nrepl://
    REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.12
    Clojure 1.8.0

    Note the port that your nREPL is listening on, in this case 45247 because you may need it later.

  3. Now Let's Connect to the REPL.

    3.1 Open the project folder in VS Code.

    • Open a clojure source file such as src/hello_clojure/core.clj

      If you have a repl running, the connection should be made automatically and you should see a repl indicator the status bar that looks like nrepl://localhost:45247.

      If you see the indicator, good news you're connected. Please move onto next step.

    • If you DO NOT see the connection indicator, or if you'd like to connect to a remote repl, we will need to create the connection manually.

      Open the command pallet and select the command Clojure: Connect to nREPL

      You should then be prompted for an nREPL port, enter the port noted in step #2, 45247.

      You should then be prompted for the host of the REPL. In this example we will enter localhost.

      You should then get a message showing successful connection to the nREPL!

  4. Eval a file. The repl needs to have it's namespace initialized and set so it can know about and show things like your docstrings.

    • Open a Clojure source file

    • Open the command pallet, and select the command Clojure: Eval.

      This should evaluate the entire file, and a file successfully compiled notification should be shown.

  5. Eval a selected expression

    • Show the output window by using the View / Output from menu bar if it's not already visible.

    • Select a block of code you wish to evaluate.

    • Open the command pallet, and select the command Clojure: Eval and show the result.

    • Results from the REPL should be printed to the output window named Evaluation Results

  6. All done, you're ready to code some Clojure :)


Code completion doesn't work, what I'm doing wrong?

Most likely you forgot to add cider-nrepl to the list of dependencies. Please, consult How to Use? section.

I don't see completions from the current namespace!

You should eval the file first using the Eval command.

How to understand if I'm connected to nREPL?

If you see a nrepl://nreplhost:nreplport status bar item, most likely you are connected :)

How To Contribute

Open an issue if you want to propose new features and ideas or to report bugs.

Help Develop

This is how you run this extension from source:

  1. Download the source code and install npm dependencies;

    git clone
    cd clojureVSCode
    npm install
    code .
  2. Make the changes you want;

  3. Open debug, select Launch Extension and click on Start Debugging to open a new vscode window with your modified extension.

Visual Studio Code has great docs about developping extensions. Check it out.

Fork us! Pull requests are welcome! :D





Clojure support for Visual Studio Code

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%