nielsverwaal / genesis-sample-task-runner

Gulp workflow for Auto prefixing, Sass compiling, CSS minification, automatic browser reloading and more

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Genesis Sample Task Runner

This is a Gulp workflow for automating the following tasks:

  • Auto prefixing
  • Compiling Sass partials into style.css
  • Minifying unminified .js files and style.css
  • Automatic CSS injection and browser reloading for PHP & JS changes using BrowserSync
  • CSS optimization
  • Packing same CSS media query rules into one
  • Generating pixel fallbacks for rem units
  • Generating source maps so browser inspector (like Chrome DevTools) shows the partial .scss file(s) from where CSS rules are originating from

for Genesis Sample, a child theme of the Genesis framework.

How to use

  1. Install WordPress on your localhost if you haven't already. I use Laravel Valet.

  2. Install Node.

  3. Install Gulp CLI globally by running npm install gulp-cli -g in the terminal.

  4. Download this repo's content and place in your local site's project folder (Ex.: Genesis Sample theme directory).

  5. Run npm install.

  6. Change the values of siteName and userName in gulpfile.js.

If your local site does not have a SSL, you can comment out the userName line and comment out/delete

https: {
    key: `/Users/${userName}/.valet/Certificates/${siteName}.key`,
    cert: `/Users/${userName}/.valet/Certificates/${siteName}.crt`

If it does, adjust the path to your local SSL certificate's key and crt files.

  1. Run gulp.

  2. You might want to load the minified versions of genesis-sample.js and style.css on the production site before going live.

For this, edit functions.php and

a) replace

    get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/genesis-sample.js',
    array( 'jquery' ),


    get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/js/genesis-sample{$suffix}.js",
    array( 'jquery' ),

b) at the end, add

add_filter( 'stylesheet_uri', 'genesis_sample_stylesheet_uri', 10, 2 );
 * Loads minified version of style.css.
 * @param string $stylesheet_uri     Original stylesheet URI.
 * @param string $stylesheet_dir_uri Stylesheet directory.
 * @return string (Maybe modified) stylesheet URI.
function genesis_sample_stylesheet_uri( $stylesheet_uri, $stylesheet_dir_uri ) {

	return trailingslashit( $stylesheet_dir_uri ) . 'style.min.css';


Note: You will not be able to use the source maps when style.min.css is loading. Therefore add the above code after you are done with your development.


Thanks to Christoph Herr for his Prometheus theme.


Gulp workflow for Auto prefixing, Sass compiling, CSS minification, automatic browser reloading and more


Language:CSS 89.3%Language:JavaScript 10.7%