nidhijmr / AccurateTracking

Mobile App for real-time location and travel history tracking. Detects anomaly in case of deviation from original route

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



AccurateTracking is a mobile application which is used to track the user’s current location as well as identifies any anomaly in the places which user visit in his day-to-day routine. It keeps a track of all the places the user has visited and shows if there is any deviation from the normal travelling activity.

Features List

  1. Signup form for the new user to log into the app.
  2. Login form to log into the application using email and password.
  3. Display of the user’s current location.
  4. Display of the locations the user has visited on the current day along with showing the anomaly from his routine travel activity.

Architecture/Flow Diagram

Technical Stack

  1. Device Platform – Android
  2. Tool Kit – Android Studio
  3. Cloud Services – AWS (Cognito, DynamoDB, Kinesis Streams, Lambda, Kinesis Data Analytics, Kinesis Statistical and Deviation Function)
  4. AWS Mobile SDK is used to programmatically invoke AWS APIs to perform various application functionalities.
  5. Database – Amazon DynamoDB
  6. Google Maps and GeoCoder API
  7. Android UI Framework
  8. Build tool – Gradle

Application Screenshots

Landing Page

Login Form

User’s current address

Anomaly detection

Address shown when marker is clicked


Mobile App for real-time location and travel history tracking. Detects anomaly in case of deviation from original route


Language:Java 100.0%