nicolehhy / TimingScript

How to establish data monitoring system using LINUX SCRIPT and HIVE

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How to establish data monitoring system using LINUX SCRIPT and HIVE


Because Tableau can only synchronize data in mysql, we need to create a script file in Hadoop environment, input the results of SQL code we execute in hive into TXT file, and import them into tables in MySQL environment, so as to synchronize to tableau.


  • Create a new table in Mysql
  • Create a new file in hdfs using hive
  • Write the quering script *.sh in this new file
  • Create a timing task using Crontab -e
  • Save the timing task(Then we are done at this step)

1. Create new table in Database (MySQL)

  • Log in to Hadoop at first (take XShell for example) and enter MySQL environment in the Xshell first
mysql -h -P 3306 -u inke_db_user -p # enter Mysql
passward: *******.  # get the right entering password 
  • Enter the database where you need to create your new table
use db_test; 
  • Create the new table using SQL language
create table liuliang( 
         ymd varchar(15),
         show_pv varchar(10),
         show_count varchar(10),
         show_uv int,
         view_uv int,
         view_pv int,
         short_uv int,
         short_pv int,
         alltime int,
         enter_uv int
        )engine = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;   #Prevent Chinese Scrambling

2. Write a script in Hive

Here, what we need to do is to query the data we need and copy them into the new tableliuliang we just created in Mysql

  • Exit Mysql
exit mysql
  • Enter the command: pwd. Get the path to the current directory and create a file to store your output
mkdir liuliang
  • Create a new shell script under this directory Input command: vi liuliang. sh (vi command for editing a file). If test. sh already exists, it can be modified; if test. sh does not exist, a new test. sh file will be created automatically.
vi liuliang. sh
  • Input the quering code to this script file Here I need to query the daily tracking metrics like Exposure times, number of people exposured, number of viewers, times of people veiwing the page
date=`date -d "yesterday" +%Y%m%d` # extract the information of yesterday

hive -e"

select b.ymd,a.show_pv,a.show_count,a.show_uv,b.view_uv,
(select ymd,count(uid) as show_pv,count(distinct token)as 
show_count,count(distinct uid)as show_uv
from hds.newapplog_seach_live_show
where ymd=$date and token rlike 'rec_9_2_1_0' and cv rlike  '6.0.0' 
group by ymd)a
left join
(select ymd,count(uid) as view_pv,count(distinct uid)as view_uv,
count(distinct case when unix_timestamp(exit_time)-unix_timestamp(enter_time)>60 then uid end) as short_uv,
count(case when unix_timestamp(exit_time)-unix_timestamp(enter_time)>60 then uid end) as short_pv,
sum(unix_timestamp(exit_time)-unix_timestamp(enter_time)) as time
from ana.dw_live_view_info_everyday_enter
where ymd=$date and enter='search_new_rec' and token rlike 'rec_9_2_1_0' and cv rlike  '6.0.0'
group by ymd)b
on a.ymd=b.ymd
left join
(select ymd,sum(uv) as enter_uv
from bi.recommend_rec_basic_os 
where cv rlike'6.0.0' and ymd=$date and level rlike '全部' and logid rlike 'all'
group by ymd)c
on a.ymd=c.ymd

;" >liuliang.txt          
sed -i '/^WARN.*/d' liuliang.txt  # delete the last sentence of output containing 'warning....'
mysql -P3306 -uinke_db_user -p'Nx$X6^soiPi' 
-e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/huanghongyu/liuliang.txt' 
INTO TABLE db_inke_pm_strategy.liuliang 
CHARACTER SET utf8 fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n';"    

mysql -P3306 -uinke_db_user -p'Nx$X6^soiPi' this part goes into Mysql database
-e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/huanghongyu/liuliang.txt' INTO TABLE db_inke_pm_strategy.liuliang this part means I put the query result in liuliang.txt into the table liuliang in Mysql

3. Create the Crontab task (Automatic monitoring system)

Performing crontab timing tasks in Linux system on pwd path

  • Enter the command crontab -e and enter i into the editing state to add a timing task
30 08 * * * sh /home/hongyuhuang/ > 
/home/hongyuhuang/iiuliang/log_`date -d "yesterday" +%Y%m%d`.log 2>&1

The meaning of the example is:
Every morning at 8:30, execute the script in the /home/hongyuhuang directory, redirect the output log to the /home/hongyuhuang/liuliang directory, and name the file log_yesterday's date.

  • If you don't want the log thing, you only need to type this:
30 08 * * * sh /home/hongyuhuang/
  • exit the editting state and save the crontab task
    • After editing, press esc to exit the editing status
    • Enter wq to save the modified content
      • If you don't want to save the modified content, enter: q
    • Timely update settings completed

4. Check the status of your timing task

You can view daily log files in the /home/hongyuhuang/iiuliang directory

  • After landing in hadoop, enter the command cd ../hongyuhuang/liuliang enter into the test folder (if you want to return to the previous directory, enter the command cd..
  • Enter command ls to view all files under the liuliang folder
  • Download the required log files locally,for example:
sz log_20180524.log

Logging is the process of execution of this script. The purpose of saving the log is to retrieve the results of your SQL query from the log on the one hand. On the other hand, if there is a problem with the data on a certain day, you can locate the problem by looking at the log and troubleshooting errors.

--> press this link Crontab usage to know more details about Crontab timing task


How to establish data monitoring system using LINUX SCRIPT and HIVE