nicolaiskogheim / microgen

Tool to generate go-kit microservices

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tool to generate microservices from service interfaces, using go-kit. The goal is to be able to generate boilerplate, and keep that boilerplate in sync with changes in the service.

About this fork

This is a fork of devimteam/microgen. I wanted to experiment a little to see if I could improve on it, but I also want to change how microgen lays out files, how it names methods and possibly other things. I will try and structure my work such that it can be cherry-picked upstream.


Directory and file structure change

I want the default layout to mimick the examples in go-kit, like the addservice:

├── cmd
│   ├── addcli
│   │   └── addcli.go
│   └── addsvc
│       ├── addsvc.go
│       ├── pact_test.go
│       └── wiring_test.go
├── pb
│   ├── addsvc.pb.go
│   ├── addsvc.proto
│   └──
├── pkg
│   ├── addendpoint
│   │   ├── middleware.go
│   │   └── set.go
│   ├── addservice
│   │   ├── middleware.go
│   │   └── service.go
│   └── addtransport
│       ├── grpc.go
│       ├── http.go
│       └── thrift.go
└── thrift
    ├── addsvc.thrift
    └── gen-go
        └── addsvc
            ├── add_service-remote
            │   └── add_service-remote.go
            ├── addsvc-consts.go
            ├── addsvc.go
            └── GoUnusedProtection__.go

Other stuff

After the directory/file structure stuff is done I'll have a look at other stuff.


go get -u

If you have problems with building microgen, install dep and use dep ensure to install correct versions of dependencies (#29).


microgen [OPTIONS]

microgen will look for the first type * interface definition in the provided file, that contains // @microgen in the interface docs.

Generation parameters is provided through "tags" in interface docs after the // @microgen tag (space before is @ required).


Name Default Description
-file service.go Relative path to source file with service interface
-out . Relative or absolute path to directory, where you want to see generated files
-force false With flag generate stub methods.
-help false Print usage information


Markers is general tags that affect generation. The syntax is: // @<tag-name>:


Main tag for microgen. Microgen scans the input file for the first interface in which docs contains this tag. Add tags, separated by comma after @microgen to generate code for it:

// @microgen middleware, logging
type StringService interface {


Specify which protobuf implementation to use with grpc. Required for grpc, grpc-server, grpc-client generation.

// @microgen grpc-server
// @protobuf
type StringService interface {


gRPC address tag is used for gRPC go-kit-based client generation. Required for grpc-client generation.

// @microgen grpc
// @protobuf
// @grpc-addr some.service.address
type StringService interface {


Files generated for the middleware and logging tags are overwritten each time. Files generated by http and grpc, for instance, will not be overwritten by default. Use (the) @force to overwrite all files.

Method's tags


Tells logging middleware which method arguments and/or return values shouldn't be logged, like passwords or files. The first argument, ctx contex.Context is ignored by default.

// @microgen logging
type FileService interface {
    // @logs-ignore data
    UploadFile(ctx context.Context, name string, data []byte) (link string, err error)


Instructs logging middleware to log len(arg). arg is still logged unless @logs-ignore arg is specified.

// @microgen logging
type FileService interface {
    // @logs-ignore data
    // @logs-len data
    UploadFile(ctx context.Context, name string, data []byte) (link string, err error)

Without @logs-ignore data in the example above, we would log both data and len(data)


Tag Description Overwrites existing files
middleware General application middleware interface. Yes
logging Middleware that writes to logger all request/response information with handled time. Yes
recover Middleware that recovers panics and writes errors to logger. Yes
grpc-client Generates client for grpc transport with request/response encoders/decoders. No
grpc-server Generates server for grpc transport with request/response encoders/decoders. No
grpc Generates client and server for grpc transport with request/response encoders/decoders. No
http-client Generates client for http transport with request/response encoders/decoders. No
http-server Generates server for http transport with request/response encoders/decoders. No
http Generates client and server for http transport with request/response encoders/decoders. No
main Generates basic package main for starting service. Affected by other tags No

Use the @force tag, or the -force flag to overwrite all files.


Name Default path Generation logic
Service interface ./service.go Add service entity, constructor, and methods if missing.
Exchanges ./exchanges.go Overwrites old file every time.
Endpoints ./endpoints.go Overwrites old file every time.
Middleware ./middleware/middleware.go Overwrites old file every time.
Logging middleware ./middleware/logging.go Overwrites old file every time.
Recovering middleware ./middleware/recovering.go Overwrites old file every time.


Follow this short guide to try the microgen tool.

  1. Create file service.go inside GOPATH and add code below.
package stringsvc

import (

// @microgen http, grpc, middleware, logging, recover, main
// @protobuf
// @grpc-addr test.address
type StringService interface {
    Uppercase(ctx context.Context, str string) (ans string, err error)
    Count(ctx context.Context, text string, symbol string) (count int, positions []int)
  1. Open command line next to your service.go.
  2. Enter microgen. *
  3. You should see something like this:
@microgen 0.5.0
Tags: middleware, logging, grpc, http, recover, main
New cmd/string_service/main.go
Add .../svc.go
New exchanges.go
New endpoints.go
New middleware/middleware.go
Add transport/converter/http/exchange_converters.go
New middleware/logging.go
New middleware/recovering.go
New transport/grpc/server.go
New transport/grpc/client.go
New transport/converter/protobuf/type_converters.go
New transport/converter/protobuf/endpoint_converters.go
All files successfully generated
  1. Now, add and generate protobuf file (if you use grpc transport) and write transport converters (from protobuf/json to golang and vise versa).
  2. Use endpoints in your package main or wherever you want. (tag main generates some code for package main)

* GOPATH/bin should be in your PATH.

Interface declaration rules

Generation may fail if these aren't adhered to.

  • All interface method's arguments and results should be named and should be different.
  • First argument of each method should be of type context.Context (from standard library).
  • Last result should be builtin error type.

  • Name of protobuf service should be the same as the interface name.
  • Function names in protobuf should be the same as in interface.
  • Message names in protobuf should be named <FunctionName>Request and <FunctionName>Response for request and response messages, respectively.
  • Field names in protobuf messages should be the same as in interface methods (protobuf - snake_case, interface - camelCase).


After generation your service may depend on this packages:

    "net/http"      // http
    "encoding/json" // http
    "net"           // http and grpc listeners
    "net/url"       // http
    "time"          // logging
    "os"            // for signal handling and os.Stdout
    "os/signal"     // for signal handling
    "syscall"       // for signal handling
    "errors"        // for error handling

    ""                    // grpc
    ""                     // grpc
    ""   // grpc


Tool to generate go-kit microservices

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%