Nicola Zambelli (nicola98zambelli)


Geek Repo





Company:UniversitĂ  degli studi di Bergamo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nicola Zambelli's repositories


the PLS allows both to classify the types of faults and to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by trying to maximize the covariance between X and Y, useful in supervised learning.



This project has the purpose to design an IoT-edge-cloud-computing software architecture applied to the enviromental monitoring. The main goal is to let the system to be autonomous and to reach a hight dependability level. The designed software is based on the open-source LoRaWAN Network Server stack Chirpstack.



This small project tries to implement a machine learning algorithm for the classification / identification of handballs in football (soccer) in order to be able to help the referee to make a decision and decrease the waiting times of the match.



Obesity is now officially identified as a global epidemic, considered one of the greatest health problems of the 21st century. Since 1975 the worldwide prevalence of obesity has almost tripled and stood at 13%, with an absolute value of 650 million obese individuals over the age of 18(WHO, 2022). The following report has the purpose to analyse the results of a survey on obesity to find the correlation between a specific lifestyle and the level of obesity a person can be diagnosed to. With the use of tree-based method we will identify the best model to predict if a person is obese. The logistic regression allows us to make observations on which are the most influential variables to impact on the obesity index.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


un software di simulazione di una rete che riceve pacchetti con arrivi markoviani e li gestisce secondo distribuzioni di poisson, deterministiche o erlangiane di ordine 2, il sistema calcola la B-erlang, o probabilitĂ  di blocco del sistema sia teorica che simulata ricevendo in input le N linee serventin il trafic load A e il tipo di distribuzione
