nicofirst1 / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dotfiles Repository

This repository contains configuration files and scripts for setting up a UNIX-like environment using dotfiles managed through GNU Stow.


Clone this repository into your home directory:

cd $HOME
git clone https://your-repo-url/dotfiles.git

After cloning, navigate into the dotfiles directory and run the installation script:

cd dotfiles
bash scripts/

This script performs the following actions:

  • Checks for Zsh installation and installs if missing.
  • Installs Oh My Zsh if it's not already installed.
  • Downloads and sets up various Zsh plugins.
  • Installs the Powerlevel10k theme.
  • Restores previous stow configurations if any.
  • Creates a file in your home directory for machine-specific configurations.


Additional utility commands are defined in scripts/ This includes various installations and helper functions such as install_chruby for setting up Ruby environments, and install_rust for Rust programming language tools.

Restoring Dotfiles

To reset your dotfiles to their original versions, use the stow_restore command found in scripts/


Configuration Variables

Configuration paths and variables are set in scripts/ Modify this file to customize the paths used by the scripts.

Machine-Specific Settings

The scripts create a file in the home directory, which is sourced in .zshrc. Use this file to specify settings unique to the current machine.

OS-Specific Settings

OS-specific settings for Zsh are located in the backups/zsh directory:

  • darwin_settings.zsh for macOS.
  • linux_settings.zsh for Linux.



Language:Shell 98.8%Language:Ruby 1.2%