nicofari / smsdelivery

Sms rest api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kotik Sms Delivery

A REST API for a fictitious Sms service


  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • Maven 3.2 or later


  • Spring Boot 2.1.8
  • H2 in-memory database

Building and running

  • clone this git repo

  • to build the application and run the tests:

./mvnw clean package
  • for starting the application
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Default port is 8080 to specify a different port use the syntax:

./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=9090

API documentation

For every API endpoint the response has always the Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 attribute.

Create Sms


  • Method: POST
  • Url: /public/api/sms/create
  • Headers: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  • Body (example):
  "userId": "user",
  "sourceNumber": "+00123456890",
  "destNumber": "+00123456890",
  "body": "message body"


  • Status 400 bad request if validation fails
  • Status 200 ok
  • Body if successful (example):
  "href": "/public/api/sms/301d401a-e9fe-46ad-88db-5e225b224506"

Example request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"userId\": \"newtestuser\", \"body\": \"test\", \"sourceNumber\": \"+00117561791\", \"destNumber\": \"+00116851750\"}" "http://localhost:8083/public/api/v1/sms/create"

Example response:


Get Sms


  • Method: GET
  • Url: /public/api/sms/{smsid}


  • Status 404 not found in case of invalid id
  • Status 200 ok
  • Body if successful (example):
  "userId": "user",
  "sourceNumber": "+00123456890",
  "destNumber": "+00123456890",
  "body": "message body",

Send Sms


  • Method: PUT
  • Url: /public/api/sms/{smsid}/send


  • Status 404 not found in case of invalid id
  • Status 422 unprocessable entity if sms in a wrong state
  • Status 200 ok

Delete Sms


  • Method: DELETE
  • Url: /public/api/sms/{smsid}


  • Status 404 not found in case of invalid id
  • Status 422 unprocessable entity if sms in a wrong state
  • Status 200 ok

Search Sms


  • Method: GET
  • Url: /public/api/sms?offset=x&limit=25&sort=receptionDate;DESC&search=


  • Status 200 ok

This API supports pagination, sorting and filtering. The client can control pagination sending offset and limit query parameters.

For sorting the syntax is [fieldname';'[ASC|DESC]] to specify field and sort direction respectively.

If nothing is specified the default order is receptionDate;ASC (ie sort by receptionDate ascending).

More than one field can be specified, separated by comma.

For searching/filtering the syntax is:

fieldName operator value

Supported operators are

  • < less than or equal to
  • > greater than or equal to
  • : like


    "content": [
        {"userId":"userId","sourceNumber":"+00116851750","destNumber":"+00217561791","body":"some text","state":"ACCEPTED","receptionDate":"2019-10-14T08:54","sentDate":"3000-01-08T22:00"},
        {"userId":"userId","sourceNumber":"+00116851750","destNumber":"+00217561791","body":"some text","state":"ACCEPTED","receptionDate":"2019-10-14T08:54","sentDate":"3000-01-08T22:00"},
    "prev": "http://localhost/public/api/v1/sms?filter=sentDate%3E3000-01-01,sentDate%3C3000-01-10&offset=0&limit=25"",

Docker image

Build a docker image running the command:

./mvnw install dockerfile:build

The default image name is "kotik/smsdelivery" To run the image is the command (port number is just an example):

docker run -p 8082:8082 -t kotik/smsdelivery


After a test on a kubuntu machine at home I had to make these steps, you may need too:

  1. after cloning the repo I had to issue a chmod to use the embedded maven:
$ chmod +x ./mvnw
  1. trying to generate the docker image I got a "" trying to connect to http://localhost:80. After a quick google search I found that this could (maybe obviously) depend on lack of permissions, so I found that I had to run the build command as root:
sudo ./mvnw install dockerfile:build


Sms rest api


Language:Java 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%