nicoache1 / trivia-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of contents


This app was made to meet the requirements to join the G2i community. It's a trivia app based in Open TB and Expo. Below you could see a gif of the app functionality en behavior.

Developer Setup

Install Required Dependencies

  • Node: Node 14 LTS version or higher
  • Expo-cli: Expo command line tools.

If you want to run in some physical devices thats all, because Expo allows to run in physical devices without setting up a development environment, if you want to use simulators/emulators we need some extra things.

Install Environment Variables

This project has some environment variables, you will need to create a .env equal to .env.SAMPLE and put the required dependencies here.

Start Expo

In the project root, run

$ npm start

Visual Studio Code Configuration

Visual Studio Code is the recommended text editor for this project. The following extensions are useful:

  • Prettier - code formatter
  • ESLint - TypeScript linter

Tech Stack

Project Structure

Unit and Acceptance Tests

Inside the folder __tests__ this project has unit tests oriented to behavior and also some snapshots of the components, they all work the same way. Run all tests once:

$ npm run test

Component folder structure

This template follows the next structure:

  • assets: Contains every asset used in the application (images, audio, video, etc)
  • localization: Contains the logic related to support multiple languages
  • utils: Test utils
  • src: Main container of all the code inside the application.
    • components: Contains every component that is widely used throughout the project.
    • styles: Contains the Theme with the global styles, fonts, colors used throughout the codebase
    • common: Contains common logic and functions.
    • navigation: Every related to navigation should be here.
    • types: Interfaces, model entities.
    • store: Contains all logic related to data storage and API logic because we use RTK query as we mention before.
    • scenes: Every flow in the application should be here inside a corresponding folder, with its component, styles and such.
      • index.tsx: Contains a scene where it has the components and the logic.
      • types.ts: Whenever we need some types constrained to this scene
      • styles.ts: styles constrained to this scene


When coding a new React-Native application we will follow the Community guidelines with some extra tweaks

Also to help to maintain a good quality in our code we use the next extensions

  • ESLint for linting and code quality
  • Prettier an opinionated code formatter

Languages Management


Inside the folder localization in the root dir you will see two things:

  • Languages folder: Contains all the translations file of languages that are supported by the app, for example en.ts
  • index.tsx file with the logic for the translations.

Update translation file

  1. Add a new key with his corresponding translation to the files inside the languages folder.

Add New language to the application

  1. Add a new file with all the keys and his translations, for example fr.ts will be the french one.
  2. Go to index.tsx and update available languages and translations getters.



Language:TypeScript 97.0%Language:JavaScript 3.0%