nickwilson3 / hw3bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Trump 2020

This bot is in full support of Donald J. Trump to be President.

This bot supports Trump for the following reasons:

  1. He went to an Ivy League college and not the University of Delaware
  2. He does not have dementia
  3. He will not decimate the economy

Click here to see a reply from this bot And here is a screenshot of the thread: screenshot of thread0 I like this thread because it shows my bot supporting Trump

My grade should be a 22/20 because:

  1. Tasks 0-5 were completed (12 points)
  2. This is the github repo (2 points)
  3. 100+ comments will be posted (2 points)

Extra Credit completed:

  1. upvote comment mentioning favorite candidate (1 point)
  2. downvote comment mentioning other candidate (1 point) *new
  3. upvote submission mentioning favorite candidate (1 point)
  4. downvote submission mentioning favorite candidate (1 point) *new
  5. 500+ comments (1 point)
  6. 2000+ comments (1 point)



Language:Python 100.0%