nicksrandall / turborepo-remote-cache-cloudflare

An implementation of the turborepo-remote-cache server custom made for Cloudflare Workers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Turborepo Remote Cache (For Cloudflare Workers!) CI

An open source implementation of the Turborepo custom remote cache server. This implementation is built from the ground up for Cloudflare Workers

Quick start

The easiest way to deploy this repository is using the link below

Deploy to Cloudflare Workers

If you want to clone the repository and deploy it via the CLI, use the following steps

# 1. Clone the repository
git clone custom-cache

# 2. Install packages
yarn install

# 3. Create the R2 bucket for storage
wrangler r2 bucket create turborepo-cache

# 4. Publish the project
wrangler deploy

# 5. Set a Bearer auth token
echo "SECRET" | wrangler secret put TURBO_TOKEN


Github actions requirements

In order to successfully run the deploy Github action you will need the following secrets


Note: These will be automatically set for you if you use the "Deploy with Workers" button.

Automatic deletion of old cache files

This project sets up a cron trigger for Cloudflare workers which will automatically delete old cache files within the bound R2 bucket.

You can disable this behavior by removing the [triggers] configuration in wrangler.toml

You can change how long objects will be retained via the BUCKET_OBJECT_EXPIRATION_HOURS option in wrangler.toml or via workers environment variables

Setting up remote caching in your Turborepo project

This section will describe my recommended way of setting up remote caching in turborepo. There are many ways to go about this. You can read can read more about this topic at the official turborepo docs.

1. Modify the turbo.json file at your project root to include signature validation

    "remoteCache": { "signature": true }

2. Install the dotenv-cli npm package

# You may have to add -W if you are installing this on your workspace root
yarn add --dev dotenv-cli

3. Create a .env file at your project root with the following content

TURBO_TOKEN=SECRET # The turbo token must be a valid Bearer auth token

Keep the following in mind

  • Replace SECRET and YOUR_API_URL with your chosen values.
  • The TURBO_TEAM value must begin with team_
  • Remember to add the .env file to .gitignore
  • If you are building your project in some remote CI tool (like Github Actions) you need to make these environment variables available to your build script

5. Modify your turbo commands to load the .env file prior to execution

Instead of running a command like turbo run build directly, we simply run dotenv -- turbo run build. This will load everything in our .env file into the processes environment variables.

I would recommend modifying your scripts in package.json to use dotenv-cli so you don't have to remember this each time. E.g.

    "scripts": {
        "build": "dotenv -- turbo run build",
        "dev": "dotenv -- turbo run dev",
        "lint": "dotenv -- turbo run lint",
        "test": "dotenv -- turbo run test"

And that's it 🎉🎉

Whenever you run a turbo command you will see Remote cache enabled in it's log output

yarn lint
yarn run v1.22.19
$ dotenv -- turbo run lint
• Packages in scope: turborepo-project, webapp, docs
• Running lint in 3 packages
• Remote caching enabled


 Tasks:    3 successful, 3 total
Cached:    3 cached, 3 total
  Time:    1.174s >>> FULL TURBO

✨  Done in 3.54s.


An implementation of the turborepo-remote-cache server custom made for Cloudflare Workers

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%