nickhobbs94 / gdrive-sshautogen

Autogenerate ssh authorized_keys file and .ssh/config files based on a network schema stored in a google sheet.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Autogenerate ssh authorized_keys file and .ssh/config files based on a network schema stored in a google sheet.

Needs a file called homenetwork_secret.json that contains secret key to connect to GDrive.

There are two pages in the sheets doc called "IP schema" and "SSH Keys", they are organised as follows:

Page:IP Schema

Device  IP Address     MAC          SSH Port      SSH Alias       SSH User
dev1    (optional)   22            alias1          username
dev2    (optional)   2222          alias2          username2

Page: SSH-Keys

Description       Key                             dev1      dev2
dev1 git repo     ssh-rsa aksdjfhklah...          FALSE     TRUE
dev2 login        ssh-rsa aksdjfhklab...          TRUE      FALSE

Installation Instructions

  1. Setup an oauth credentials and share your sheet with the credentials' email address.
  2. git clone
  3. cd gdrive-sshautogen; python3 -m venv env
  4. source env/bin/activate
  5. pip3 install gspread
  6. pip3 install oauth2client
  7. python3 readsheet


Autogenerate ssh authorized_keys file and .ssh/config files based on a network schema stored in a google sheet.


Language:Python 100.0%