nickhakkz / EDR-Telemetry

This project aims to compare and evaluate the telemetry of various EDR products.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EDR Telemetry

This repo provides a list of telemetry features from EDR products and other endpoint agents such as Sysmon broken down by category. The main motivation behind this project is to enable security practitioners to compare and evaluate the telemetry potential from those tools while encouraging EDR vendors to be more transparent about the telemetry features they do provide to their users and customers.

Besides compliance, investigations and forensics benefits, rich log telemetry empowers cyber defense teams to develop custom hunting, detection and analytics capabilities tailored to their needs.

Read details about this project in the initial release blog post here.

Telemetry Definition

There are many types of telemetry when it comes to Security Instrumentation. Here we focus on agents or sensors generating telemetry in the form of log data, regardless of the format (json, key-value, csv), as long as the data is automatically generated and transmitted or streamed in near real-time.

FAQ & Contributions

Please check our FAQ page to know more and feel free to get in contact in case you cannot find an answer there.

In case you ware willing to contribute, please check the Contributions page.

The telemetry of the EDR products below could improve with time. The last_updated field is the last time the data sources have been updated. This might NOT always be up to date with the current telemetry capabilities of each product.

Telemetry Comparison Table

The data below do not represent the capability of each of the EDR products to detect or prevent a threat. This is ONLY a comparison regarding the available telemetry for each product. Some products, such as Elastic EDR, make additional telemetry available in free or paid modules. Add-on modules, as well as signals, will not be taken into consideration for this project. Please read more about this on our FAQ page here.

🟩 = Implemented
πŸŸ₯ = Not Implemented
🟧 = Partially Implemented
❓ = Pending Response
πŸͺ΅ = Via Windows EventLogs (with proper Audit policy)

Last Updated: Wed Apr 19 2023
Google SpreadSheet Table: Link
References to Documentation for each EDR product: Link

Telemetry Feature Category Sub-Category Sysmon CrowdStrike Elastic LimaCharlie MDE Sentinel One WatchGuard
Process Activity Process Creation 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** Process Termination 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
**** Process Access 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Image/Library Loaded 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** Remote Thread Creation 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** Process Tampering Activity 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟧 πŸŸ₯
File Manipulation File Creation 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟧
**** File Opened πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟧
**** File Deletion 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** File Modification πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** File Renaming πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟧
User Account Activity Local Account Creation πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
**** Local Account Modification πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
**** Local Account Deletion πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
**** Account Login πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟧 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** Account Logoff πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩
Network Activity TCP Connection 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** UDP Connection 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
**** URL πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟧 🟧 🟩 🟩 🟧
**** DNS Query 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** File Downloaded πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟧 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
Hash Algorithms MD5 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** SHA 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** IMPHASH 🟩 🟩 🟧 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
Registry Activity Key/Value Creation 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** Key/Value Modification 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
**** Key/Value Deletion 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
Schedule Task Activity Scheduled Task Creation πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Scheduled Task Modification πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Scheduled Task Deletion πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
Service Activity Service Creation πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟧 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
**** Service Modification πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟧
**** Service Deletion πŸŸ₯ 🟧 πŸŸ₯ ❓ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
Driver/Module Activity Driver Loaded 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Driver Modification πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
**** Driver Unloaded πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
Device Operations Virtual Disk Mount πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩
**** USB Device Unmount πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
**** USB Device Mount πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
Other Relevant Events Group Policy Modification πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
Named Pipe Activity Pipe Creation 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Pipe Connection 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
EDR SysOps Agent Start 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Agent Stop 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Agent Install πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩
**** Agent Uninstall πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩
**** Agent Tampering 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Agent Keep-Alive πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯
**** Agent Errors 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯
WMI Activity WmiEventConsumerToFilter 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
**** WmiEventConsumer 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
**** WmiEventFilter 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ 🟩
BIT JOBS Activity BIT JOBS Activity πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯
PowerShell Activity Script-Block Activity πŸŸ₯ 🟩 πŸŸ₯ πŸŸ₯ 🟩 🟩 πŸŸ₯

Current Primary Maintainers

Kostas - @kostastsale
Alex - @ateixei


This project aims to compare and evaluate the telemetry of various EDR products.


Language:Python 100.0%