nickav / minesweeper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple minesweeper game made in React

Getting started

Install yarn. Then in this project directory run:


This will install all the project dependencies. When adding new dependencies, be sure to also commit the yarn.lock file. Read more about Managing Dependencies.


Keep this running in the background:

yarn start

Now navigate to http://localhost:8080 to view the app.


Auto-generating files

The following pinkprint commands are available:

yarn g component folder/NewComponent
yarn g store foo
yarn g style fancy
yarn g helper maths

Best Practices


Prefer absolute imports instead of relative, upwards navigation. Relative downwards imports are also fine.

// Good
import Button from '@/components/Button';

// Bad
import Button from '../../components/Button';

// OK but not preferred
import Button from './stuff/Button';


Any global styles should go directly in the style directory. From an scss file you can import any file in the style/globals directory. For example:

@import 'colors';

Code Formatting

To format your code run:

yarn format

Thanks to Husky, this will be run automatically when you commit. To disable this temporarily, run git commit -n which will skip all git hooks for that commit. Try not to make a habit of it, though.

The commit hooks are defined in the scripts section of the package.json.


Create a production build of the app:

yarn dist


Project Structure

├── bin/                    # Webpack builds the static site into this directory
└── public/                 # Public files that get shipped
    ├── fonts/              # Font files
    └── img/                # Images and SVGs
└── src/                    # All source code
    └── components/         # React components
        ├── Component.jsx   # React component file
        └── Component.scss  # Style sheet for react component
    └── helpers/            # Helper files
        ├── history.js      # Browser history singleton
        └── functions.js    # General-purpose helper functions
    └── store/              # Base redux files and reducers
        ├── index.js        # Redux store singleton
        └── reducer.js      # Root reducer
    └── style/              # Common stylesheets
        ├── globals/        # Global variables and mixins
        └── lib/            # 3rd party vendor code
    ├── index.html          # App HTML page using lodash template
    ├── index.jsx           # App entry point
    └── index.scss          # SCSS entry point
├── package.json            # Defines dependencies and build scripts
├── webpack.config.js       # Main build file
└──               # This file



Language:JavaScript 81.1%Language:CSS 16.5%Language:HTML 2.4%