nickatnight / tag-youre-it

:globe_with_meridians: Friendly game of tag on the front page of the internet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub Actions status Coverage Release Status License Shield


tag-youre-it 🏃

Play virtual tag with other users on Reddit

Frontend -


How To Play (BETA)

For now, this bot will only supports subreddit-level play (one active game per sub). This prevents trolls from locking a global game to a (private)subreddit (See the TODO for future enhancements):

Invoke u/TagYoureItBot by replying to a Reddit post or comment with the phrase !tag e.g. u/TagYoureItBot !tag. 1 of 2 things can happen:

  • There is no active game. u/TagYoureItBot will reply to the same post or comment notifying the author they are now "it". A countdown will start and this author will have an allotted time to "tag" another Reddit user (within the same sub). If the countdown expires and the author has not tagged another user, the game will end. Otherwise...
  • There is an active game. If you are the "it" user, the game will continue (see previous paragraph). If you're not it, the bot will reply to your comment stating such. The comment will include a countdown time of how much longer the current tagged user has to tag someone until the game automatically ends.


You can't tag...

  1. yourself
  2. back....yet
  3. a user who has opted out of playing
  4. u/TagYoureItBot

To opt out of playing, send u/TagYoureItBot a private message which contains 'i dont want to play tag' as the subject ❤️

If you would like to opt back in, send u/TagYoureItBot a private message with 'i want to play tag again' as the subject

Why did I build this?

a) A few years ago I read a reddit blog post, where they outlined how r/Place was built. I got inspired by the community aspect of the project, and wanted to create something similar (obviously no where near the scale/volume). So I started to create a digital version of Tag that can be played on Reddit. I pushed a closed source v1 last year, but the game logic was coupled to the web api code (FastApi). I decided to decompose the bot logic into an open source package and keep the web api closed source.

b) Want keep my Python skills fresh since I've been doing a lot of full-stack development in my current role (React/Java).

c) Showcase the ecosystem of my open source projects and how they work together: Create Release GHA, FastAPI Backend Base, Reddit Bot Base.

d) I'm curious to see stats of user engagement (how long did a game chain last, how many users did it contain, which subreddit plays the most, etc)

See r/TagYoureItBot for more updates.


This module is intended to act like a django app. Any async Python web framework (like FastAPI) using alembic can leverage this package:

  • Docker Compose integration and optimization for local development.
  • SQLModel Library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust
  • PostgresSQL Powerfull open source object-relational database
  • Alembic Lightweight database migration tool for usage with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python
  • AsyncPG Database interface library designed specifically for PostgreSQL and Python/asyncio.

Running Locally

  1. Clone repo git clone
  2. cd tag-youre-it
  3. mv .env_example .env to add environment variables as needed
  4. Install Docker
  5. docker compose up
  6. If you've included succifienct credentials in .env, the bot will start streaming incoming Messages from your inbox


Requires Poetry to manage dev environment. Once installed:

  1. install packages with poetry install

Helpful commands

All below commands can be ran with make eg. make flake8


$ poetry run black .


$ poetry run flake8


$ poetry run mypy tag_youre_it


$ poetry run isort .

Test (project needs to be up and running)

$ docker compose exec tag pytest --cov=tag_youre_it tests/

Package dist and create new

$ poetry build --format sdist
$ tar -xvf dist/*-`poetry version -s`.tar.gz -O '*/' >

Initialize first migration (project must be up with docker compose up and contain no 'version' files)

$ docker compose run --rm tag alembic -c tag_youre_it/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"

Create new migration file

$ docker compose run --rm tag alembic -c tag_youre_it/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m "add a new field or something cool"

Apply migrations

$ docker compose run --rm tag alembic -c tag_youre_it/alembic.ini upgrade head


  • github action for ci/cd workflow #2
  • move db client to stream service init
  • check for downvotes on recent comments
  • extra CommentStreamService to stream incoming comments from sub
  • add simple tests #3 #9
  • public web api
  • frontend (gameplay stats)
  • multi subreddit play (basically all subs)
  • "tag back" flag
  • add exception handling
  • add docker compose for local testing/dev #6
  • increase coverage to sensible percentage #20
  • refactor DbClient and AbstractRepository #22
  • setup mypy #14
  • add subreddit check when stream processing #12
  • finish process() logic #16
  • decorator for yielding database sessions
  • add loader method for apraw objects
  • add flowchart
  • add smaller steps to GHA #18
  • add PgAdmin


:globe_with_meridians: Friendly game of tag on the front page of the internet

License:MIT License


Language:Python 97.4%Language:Makefile 1.2%Language:Mako 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%