nick-nsc / rpi-ansible-wireless-ap

Ansible playbook to set up a wireless access point on a Raspberry Pi

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Configure a Raspberry Pi as a wireless access point with Ansible.

This project's configuration sets up a 5 GHz band (hw_mode=a, in hostapd.conf).
Change this to hw_mode=g and select an allowed channel (something in the range of 1-12 should work) if you want a 2.4 GHz band for your access point.

Refer to the official documentation for more information.


Before you run the playbook, you should do the following:

  • set up rpi
    • set WLAN country code (in raspi-config)
    • set new "pi"-user password
    • update packages
    • set a static IP for your RPI in /etc/dhcpcd.conf
    • security: change default ssh port
    • security: allow specific ssh users only (--> "pi"-user)
    • security: set up and enable ufw; allow new ssh port as well
  • copy your public ssh key from the PC you are running Ansible on to the RPI (via ssh-copy-id)
  • disable ssh via password --> enable ssh only via ssh keys

Also, have a look at the .example files and customize them as needed.
For the playbook to run properly, you need to remove the .example suffix from the file names again.

Run the playbook

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml

Some Ansible ad-hoc commands

Get the hostname of each server from the rpi group in the inventory file:

ansible rpi -i inventory -m command -a "hostname"
ansible rpi -i inventory -a "hostname"

Display all server information Ansible can get:

ansible rpi -i inventory -m setup

Install package ntp:

ansible rpi -i inventory --become -m dnf -a "name=ntp state=present"
ansible rpi -i inventory -b -m dnf -a "name=ntp state=present"

Enable and start service ntpd:

ansible rpi -i inventory -b -m service -a "name=ntpd state=started enabled=yes"

Check the documentation for the service module:

ansible-doc service


Ansible playbook to set up a wireless access point on a Raspberry Pi