nicesick / TIL_In_Academy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TIL In Academy


This Repository is for what I learn in academy (2019.05.10 ~ 2019.12.13)


  1. Git

  2. Java

  • JDK 1.8
  1. SQL
  • Oracle : 11g Express Edition
  1. Web Programming
  • JQuery : /1.12.4/jquery.min.js

  • JSON : json-simple-1.1.1.jar

  • JSTL

    • jstl
    • standard
    • cos
  1. Spring Framework
  • Oracle : oracle6_g

  • Maven

    • Spring : 4.2.5.RELEASE

    • aspectj : 1.6.5

    • log4j : 1.2.15

    • mybatis : 3.2.3

    • mybatis-spring : 1.2.2

  1. Mini Team Project

  2. Linux

  • CentOS : centos7

  • Tomcat : apache-tomcat-9.0.22.tar.gz

  • Eclipse : eclipse-jee-oxygen-3a-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

  • Oracle : oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm

  • Maria : MariaDB-10.0.15-centos7_0-x86_64*.rpm

    • MariaDB-client
    • MariaDB-server
    • MariaDB-common
  1. Hadoop
  • Hadoop : hadoop-1.2.1.tar.gz
  • hive : hive-1.0.1.tar.gz
  1. R

  2. Android

  • Android Studio
  1. Network

  2. CAN

  • Driver : RealSYS_USB_Device_Driver(20170316)
  • CAN : CANPro_v1.4
  1. CAN Communication Mini Project

  2. ConnectedCarControlSystem Final Project

  3. AWS

  4. Bixby


  • 190521
    • Git
    • Markdown editor : Typora
  • 190522
    • Simple Git init & push
  • 190906
    • Git branch & merge
      • fast-forward merge
      • auto merge (without conflict)
      • merge with conflict
    • Git pull request

To Contents


  • 190522
    • Eclipse short-cut : Generate Constructor & Getter and Setter
  • 190523
    • Throw Exception
    • Static(or Class) variables
  • 190528
    • Inheritance
    • specialize using 'instanceof'

To Contents


  • 190530
    • SQL
    • JDBC in Java
  • 190603
    • Functions
    • View
    • SubQuery
    • Join
  • 190610
    • Commit, Rollback
    • Small Team Project
      • CRUD implementation
      • Communication with Java and Oracle
      • Abstraction using Biz, Dao Class

To Contents



  • 190611
    • Introduction : Client Side Languages & Server Side Languages
    • JavaEE & Tomcat Installation
    • HTML
      • Element
      • Tags
  • 190612
    • HTML Tags
      • a
      • table
      • form
      • audio
      • video
      • fieldset


  • 190613
    • ID, Classifier(#, .)
    • CSS Tags
      • Google Fonts
      • Text
      • Block Type (margin, padding)
      • Background
    • Skill
      • How to make row pattern in list
        • display : inline;
  • 190614
    • Float
    • Bootstrap
      • Download Template


  • 190618
    • JavaScript
      • alert
      • console.log
    • JavaScript Function : Form Argument
      • this.form
    • CodeMix
  • 190619
    • Object (== JSON)
    • Function Skills
    • Class
    • Error
  • 190620
    • SetTimeout
    • SetInterval


  • 190621
    • JQuery : Installation
    • Basic Use
      • val, html, css
      • not, eq
      • event
        • click
        • hover (mouseenter + mouseleave)
        • on
      • form
      • show, hide, toggle, animate
      • addClass, removeClass
      • foreach


  • 190624
    • JQuery : scrollTop
    • AJAX : Communication Skill with Server
    • Server Side : Servlet
    • AJAX Request
    • JSON Response


  • 190625

    • HighChart Uses
    • Data Type
      • JSON
      • XML
        • How to parse xml : find function
    • OpenAPI
  • 190626

    • HTML5 New Functions
      • Storage : Session, Local
      • Web Socket
      • Server Event
      • Drag And Drop
      • Geolocation
    • KakaoMapAPI


  • 190627

    • Servlet
    • Response Method
      • PrintWriter
      • JSP
    • JSP Library
      • JSTL
        • if
        • choose, when, otherwise
        • foreach
    • Servlet Dispatcher
      • ask?type=''
  • 190628

    • Component Models
    • JSP & JQuery
    • Double Request : 'sendRedirect' function
    • Servlet Library
      • COS : the library for uploading the files
      • MultipartRequest
    • Hidden : How to send additional datas
  • 190701

    • Dispatcher
      • web.xml : servlet-mapping
    • partial page change
      • jsp:include
  • 190702

    • HttpSession
    • SimpleWebProject
      • Dispatcher
      • Servlet
      • Partial Page
        • jsp:include

To Contents


  • 190702

    • Spring Properties
      • IoC
      • AoP
      • POJO
    • Spring Installation
    • Maven
    • Spring Setting
    • Spring.xml
      • AbstractApplicationContext
      • bean
  • 190703

    • xml import
    • Annotation
      • context
    • Mixing : bean & Annotation
    • AoP
      • aop : config, pointcut, aspect
    • JoinPoint
    • AoP - Annotation
  • 190704

    • MyBatis & Oracle
      • tx
    • spring.xml setting for mybatis
    • MyBatis Uses
      • Mapper
      • Annotation : Transactional
    • SpringMVC
      • web.xml Setting
      • spring.xml Setting
        • mvc
        • ViewResolver
  • 190705

    • SpringMVC
      • Argument
      • ClassMaker
    • Multipartfile : How to upload files
      • spring.xml Setting
    • File Upload : FileOutputStream

To Contents


  • 190718

    • VMware Player
    • How to install CentOS
  • 190719

    • Linux Setting
      • Remove Update (Stay this version) : yum repo setting
      • Network : Static Network Address Setting
      • Host : IP & host mapping
  • 190722

    • Linux Commands :Basic
    • Vim Editor
    • Mount
    • Administrator
      • User Command
      • Group Command
      • Skel & .bashrc
  • 190723

    • How to install Programs
    • Hard & Symbolic Link
    • Linux Command
      • find
      • whichis
      • where
    • program installation
      • Java : jdk1.8
      • Apache Tomcat
      • rpm & yum
    • Compression Or DeCompression
      • tar
      • xz , gzip ...
    • How to firewall config
  • 190724

    • Marco
      • Cron
      • At
    • How to install OracleDB
  • 190725

    • Creating WorkSpace Using GUI
    • How to start server : WAR
    • How to install MariaDB
  • 190726

    • HDD System

      • IDE > SATA
      • SCSI > SA-SCSI
    • HDD control Command

      • fdisk
      • fstab
  • 190729

    • RAID : if the situation the HDD is lost
      • Linear RAID
      • RAID0
      • RAID1
      • RAID5
      • RAID6
    • RAID Command
      • mdadm
      • mkfs
  • 190730

    • LVM
      • pvcreate
      • vgcreate
      • lvcreate
    • Installating CentOS with RAID1
  • 190731 & 190801

    • Shell Programming
      • variables
      • argument
      • programming with bash commands
      • if - else
      • case
      • for & while
      • function
  • 190802

    • ROOT : How to start '/' in Tomcat Server
      • Windows
      • Linux
    • Log4j
    • Redirect : 404 Error Page

To Contents


  • 190805

    • Introduction : Big Data
      • Before Big Data...
      • Hadoop
    • Installation for Hadoop in Linux
      • Type
        • Single
        • Virtual Distribution
        • Fully Distribution
    • Virtual Distribution
      • Settings
  • 190806

    • Hadoop Fully Distribution
      • Settings
  • 190807

    • File Systems
      • Before Hadoop
        • DAS
        • NAS
        • SAN
      • Hadoop : HDFS + Map Reduce + Distributed System
    • Hive : Hadoop Eco System
      • Installation MySql
      • Settings
      • Uses
  • 190808

    • Hive SQL
      • How to Use SQL
      • How to load Datas
    • Java + Hive
      • Hive Listener
      • Librarys
      • Code

To Contents


To Contents


  • 190826

    • Why we make Native App?
      • Security
      • Push Notification
    • Android Studio Installation
  • 190827

    • AVD Manager : How to make Virtual Phone
    • How to make New Project
      • minSdkVersion
      • targetSdkVersion
      • dependencies : External Libraries
    • Basic Structure
      • Java
        • MainActivity
      • Res
        • layout
        • mipmap
        • values
        • drawable
      • AndroidManifest
    • Build
      • Generate Signed Bundle : Distributed Apk
      • Build Bundle : Debug Apk
    • Logcat
    • LifeCycle
      • OnCreate
      • OnResume
      • OnPause
      • OnDestroy
    • Widget
      • Layout
      • View
      • ViewGroup
      • How to get Widget
  • 190828

    • Button

    • Text

      • TextView
      • EditText
    • EventListener

    • OnClickListener

      • OnCheckedChangeListener
      • OnTouchListener
        • GestureDetector
      • OnKeyDown
      • OnConfigurationChanged
    • How to save datas

      • Bundle
        • OnSaveInstanceState
      • SharedPreferences
    • Custom View

      • Toast
      • Dialog
      • ProgressBar
      • progressDialog
  • 190829

    • Android Contents
      • Activity
      • Service
      • BroadCast Receiver
      • Content Provider
    • How to move Activitys
      • Intent
      • startActivityForResult
      • OnActivityResult
      • setResult
    • How to execute External App
    • Fragment
      • getSupportFragmentManager
      • beginTransaction
      • replace
      • commit
  • 190830

    • MenuBar

      • OnCreateOptionsMenu
      • OnOptionsItemSelected
    • CalendarView

    • TimePicker

    • Service

    • startService

      • onStartCommand > Runnable > Thread.start
      • How to send the data to activity
        • onNewIntent
        • Flag Setting
        • startAcvitity
      • Binder : How to connect the service in activity
        • ServiceConnection
        • IBinder
        • bindService
    • Broadcast Receiver

      • AndroidManifest Setting
      • permission
      • receiver
  • 190902

    • Broadcast Receiver
      • IntentFilter
      • BroadcastReceiver
      • registerReceiver
    • listView
      • BaseAdapter
      • setAdapter
      • addItem
    • listViewEvent
      • OnItemClick
    • Spinner
  • 190903

    • WebView
      • android > web
      • web > android
    • seekBar
    • Thread
      • Handler
        • obtainMessage
        • sendMessage
      • runOnUiThread
      • handler.postDelayed
  • 190904

    • AsyncTask
      • onPreExecute
      • onProgressUpdate
      • onPostExecute
      • doInBackground
      • executeOnExecutor
    • Network
      • URLConnection
      • InputStream
      • StringBuilder
    • JSON
      • JSONArray
      • JSONObject
  • 190910

    • SQLite
      • SQLiteOpenHelper
      • SQLiteDatabase
      • execSQL
      • rawQuery
      • Cursor
    • Content Provider
      • setAction
      • startActivityForResult
      • OnActivityResult
      • Uri
      • ContentResolver
  • 190911

    • MediaPlayer
    • VideoView
    • YoutubeAPI
    • Location
      • LocationManager
      • getSystemService
      • LocationListener
      • requestLocationUpdates
    • Map
      • SupportMapFragment
      • GoogleMap
  • 190916

    • Vibrator
    • Ringtone

To Contents


  • 190917

    • Thread
    • ThreadGroup
  • 190918

    • ThreadContol
      • sleep
      • interrupt
        • InterruptedException
    • ThreadInfo
      • Thread.currentThread
    • Banned (can't use anymore) > use flag
      • suspend
      • resume
      • stop
    • synchronized
      • wait
      • notify
  • 190919

    • PipedReader, PipedWriter
    • InputStream
      • BufferedInputStream
      • InputStreamReader
      • FileInputStream
      • DataInputStream
      • ObjectInputStream
    • OutputStream
      • BufferedOutputStream
      • OutputStreamWriter
      • FileOutputStream
      • DataOutputStream
      • ObjectOutputStream
        • Serializable
        • transient
  • 190923

    • Socket
      • Server
        • ServerSocket (+ port)
        • Socket
        • OutputStream
        • DataOutputStream
      • Client
        • Socket (+ ip, port)
        • InputStream
        • DataInputStream
    • Map<ip, socket>
      • Collection
        • keys
        • values

To Contents


  • 190926
    • How to install CAN
    • JAVA + CAN
      • RXTXcomm.jar
      • rxtxParallel.dll
      • rxtxSerial.dll
    • CAN Protocol

To Contents


  • 191105
    • IAM
      • 유저생성
      • 그룹생성
      • 그룹-유저 추가
    • MFA
      • MFA 활성화
      • Authy
    • 실습
      • VPC
        • VPC생성
        • Subnet 생성
        • Gateway 생성
        • 라우팅 테이블 생성
        • 보안 그룹 생성
        • 인바운드, 아웃바운드 규칙 생성
      • EC2
        • 인스턴스 생성
        • 인스턴스 이미지 생성
        • 로드 밸런서 생성
          • 로드 밸런서 보안 그룹 선택
          • 로드 밸런서 라우팅 구성

To Contents


  • 191121
    • Project Structure in Bixby Developer Studio
      • Model
        • How to make Model
        • capsule.bxb
      • Action
        • How to make Action
        • code
      • Target
        • ko-KR : training
      • End-Point
        • endpoints.bxb
      • View
        • SearchResult.view.bxb
    • Bixby Github
    • Bixby New Functions
      • Templates
        • Facts Templates
        • Search Templates
    • Bixby Data Getting Methods
      • Crawling
      • Open API Request
    • Bixby Debugs
      • How to start Debug Mode
      • Plan Graph
      • console.log
      • How to make Story for Testing
        • export story
        • assertion
        • re-training
      • on-device test
        • Private Submission
        • get Revision ID
        • Developers' options
        • insert Revision ID
        • run Test



Language:Java 36.4%Language:JavaScript 21.3%Language:CSS 19.5%Language:HTML 12.9%Language:Python 8.4%Language:SCSS 1.5%