nhsconnect / prm-practice-migration-staging

Staging version of the catalogue solution migration guide

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GP Clinical System Migration Guide

This guide aims to help Practices, GP IT delivery partners (such as a Commissioning Support Unit) and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) plan and prepare their migration from one principal clinical system to another.

You can find the guide at https://nhsconnect.github.io/prm-practice-migration


Editing this guide

The guide's content is presented as a static website which is compiled by Jekyll (a widely used static website generator) and hosted by the NHS's GitHub pages. Changes made to the content and commited to this directly will automatically re-generate the site and publish them here https://nhsconnect.github.io/prm-practice-migration (Please note that this is a temporary location whilst the guide is in draft).

We have used, applied and adapted certain components from the NHS Design System which are available to use and reuse throughout the site. We have done our best to document how to use them below.

Using Markdown for content

The guide content is written in Markdown which is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting, with the goal of making it easier for editors to write content that can be styled without having to learn HTML.

There are many Markdown guides and cheatsheets available online such as this to help you style your content.

Link and Permalinks

How to format permalinks/links throughout the guide

As the guide is currently hosted on Github Pages, if the content you're editing is markdown, make sure to include the leading /prm-practice-migration/ prefix to the links when linking from Markdown.

However, when setting content variables for Jekyll pages, that is not necessary, as Jekyll is aware of this prefix.

When adding permalinks in page header to other pages, either for breadcrumbs or for next/previous page follow these rules:

  • DO include the leading forward slash
  • DO NOT include the trailing forward slash


Correctly formatting Incorrect formatting
/guide/kick-off /guide/kick-off/

Linking to a particular section within the guide

There is often a need to link to a particular section of the guide, this may be to a point half way down on a long page. To do this you can use bookmarks. Every Heading you create will auto generate a bookmark that you can link to

For example, if you have a heading such as:

### Notification of 3rd parties and links

Will auto generate a heading with an ID as follows:

<h2 id="notification-of-3rd-parties-and-links">Notification of 3rd parties and links</h2>

You can also define a custom ID to guarrantee the integrity of any links should the heading copy be changed. You do this using the following syntax

### Notification of 3rd parties and links {#notify-3rd-parties}

Which will auto generate a heading with an ID as follows:

<h2 id="#notify-3rd-parties">Notification of 3rd parties and links</h2>

Guide navigation

Change the menu/footer navigation

To add, edit or reorder the menu items at the top of the page, edit the file _data/menu_navigation.yml page.

Change the sidebar items in the guide pages

Similar to the menu navigtion, to add, edit or reorder the sidebar items at side of the page when a page_with_sidebar layout is use on a page, edit the file _data/sidebar_navigation.yml page. To add sub items in the hierarchy, include a subitems attribute and repeat the title/url structure.

  - title: Sidebar item 1 with subitems
    url: /sidebar-item-url-1
        - title: Subitem title 1
          url: /sidebar-sub-item-url-1
        - title: Subitem title 2
          url: /sidebar-sub-item-url-2
  - title: Sidebar item 2
    url: /sidebar-item-url-2

Adding breadcrumbs to a page and previous/next links

Before adding links to a page, make sure to check the above guidance on permalinks.

To set breadcrumbs and previous/next links, pages can have certain variables defined which will allow the breadcrumbs and previous/next modules to display correctly.


By default, the top link for breadcrumbs will be "Home". This can be changed in the _includes/header.html page by changing the home parameter to false.

For a page to correctly display it's parent, the breadcrumbparent parameter has to be set in the header of that page.

breadcrumbparent: /guide

Previous / Next links

For a page to correctly display it's previous and next links, the previouspage and nextpage parameters have to be set in the header of that page.

nextpage: /guide/technical-survey
previouspage: /guide/get-started

Custom Parts/Sections of the Guide

Some content can be displayed in certain format for emphasis. We have reused and adapted elements from the NHS Design System for this.

Adding buttons to a page

Adding a CTA button

To add a big CTA button into your page, copy this code and add to your file and edit where you wan to link and what you want it read.

Example: {%- include button.html title="Read the guide" link="/guide" -%}

Adding an action link

To add a big action link into your page, copy this code and add to your file and edit where you wan to link and what you want it read.

Example: {%- include action_link.html link="/improve-this-guide" title="Give feedback on this guide" -%}

Adding emphasis to page content with Insets

Insets are highlighting important content (like lessons learnt) in this guide. Because they are directly related to the content of a page, their content is "captured" inline and given a unique identifier like so:

{%- capture lesson_learnt_1 -%}
__Recommendation__ The Personal Demographic Service and NHAIS can get out of sync. Thus the reconciliation and any outstanding registration for any patient needs to be done before Go-Live. If not done before Go-Live, patient information can be lost and it could also cause issues during data migration.
{%- endcapture -%}

Then to be able to highlight the captured content, add the module code and pass the unique identifier (e.g. lesson_learnt_1), the title and specify if the content contains markdown (default: HTML).

{%- include inset.html content=lesson_learnt_1 accessibility_text="Lesson learnt" markdown=true -%}

Steps/Timeline Component

This component is a custom component built to showcase a series of events or steps. In order to set one you'll have to add new Markdown pages in the _steps folder and ensure their group ID and order is set.

Adding steps/events timeline to a page

Under the _steps folder create a folder named on the group of steps or events. Each page under a group must have the following headings:

title: Example Step Title 
title_url: /path/to/file/permalink
subtitle: Subtitle
order:  1
group: example-group-id

Example content.

Ordering the steps/events

Ensure the order parameter is set correctly in the right desired order on all the pages mathing the same group.

Displaying the steps in a page

Finally, add the include code into the page you want the steps/timeline to be displayed. Change the group from example-group-id to your own group name. All steps under the same group will be then displayed on the page the module is included.

{%- include steps/steps.html group='example-group-id' -%}

Getting access to edit this guide

For access to edit this guide, you can contact James Spirit or Brian Diggle, NHS Digital.


Staging version of the catalogue solution migration guide


Language:HTML 60.1%Language:CSS 33.6%Language:Ruby 6.4%