nguyenhuy / LoremIpsum

A lightweight lorem ipsum and image placeholders generator for Objective-C

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is a simple lorem ipsum generator for iOS and OS X apps. It supports generating text in different formats (words, sentences, paragraphs), miscelianous data (names, URLs, dates etc.) and placeholder images for both, iOS and OS X.

This project was inspired by a great static site generator Middleman. Its lorem ipsum feature was also a data source for this project.

Table of Contents


Lorem Ipsum can be integrated into your Xcode project using CocoaPods by putting following line into your Podfile and running pod install:

pod 'LoremIpsum', '~> 1.0'

Alternatively you can copy the files LoremIpsum.h and LoremIpsum.m to your project.


Wherever you want to use Lorem Ipsum functionality, import the header file.

#import "LoremIpsum.h"


NSString *word = [LoremIpsum word]; // => "voluptatem"
NSString *words = [LoremIpsum wordsWithNumber:5]; // => "est dolores voluptatem cumque itaque"
NSString *sentence = [LoremIpsum sentence]; // => "Facilis magni autem ut iure cum voluptas excepturi eos."
NSString *sentences = [LoremIpsum sentencesWithNumber:2];
NSString *paragraph = [LoremIpsum paragraph];
NSString *paragraphs = [LoremIpsum paragraphsWithNumber:2];
NSString *title = [LoremIpsum title]; // => "Et Quibusdam"

Misc Data

NSString *firstName = [LoremIpsum firstName]; // => "Dora"
NSString *lastName = [LoremIpsum lastName]; // => "Glass"
NSString *name = [LoremIpsum name]; // => "Tomas Beasley"
NSString *email = [LoremIpsum email]; // => ""
NSURL *URL = [LoremIpsum URL]; // => ""
NSString *tweet = [LoremIpsum tweet];
NSDate *date = [LoremIpsum date];


Lorem Ipsum supports creating placeholder images by downloading them from following supported services:

Service Value of LIPlaceholderImageService LIPlaceholderImageServiceLoremPixel LIPlaceholderImageServiceHhhhold LIPlaceholderImageServiceDummyImage LIPlaceholderImageServicePlaceKitten

Lorem Ipsum offers methods for synchronous and asynchronous downloading of images as well as retrieving the URL for an image without downloading it. All methods work for both platforms, iOS and OS X. According to the platform UIImage or NSImage instances are created.

Synchronous Downloading

UIImage *image = [LoremIpsum placeholderImageFromService:LIPlaceholderImageServicePlaceKitten
                                                withSize:CGSizeMake(250, 250)];
NSImage *image = [LoremIpsum placeholderImageWithSize:NSMakeSize(100, 400)];

Asynchronous Downloading

[LoremIpsum asyncPlaceholderImageFromService:LIPlaceholderImageServicePlaceKitten
                                    withSize:CGSizeMake(250, 250)
                                  completion:^(UIImage *image) {
                                      // use image here
[LoremIpsum asyncPlaceholderImageWithSize:NSMakeSize(100, 400)
                               completion:^(NSImage *image) {
                                   // use image here

Image URLs

NSURL *URL = [LoremIpsum URLForPlaceholderImageFromService:LIPlaceholderImageServiceDummyImage
                                                  withSize:CGSizeMake(250, 250)];

Example Projects

This repository contains two example projects for iOS and OS X where the usage of Lorem Ipsum is shown.


Lukas Kubanek // // @kubanekl


Usage is provided under the MIT License. See License.markdown for the full details.


A lightweight lorem ipsum and image placeholders generator for Objective-C

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 96.9%Language:Ruby 3.1%