ngrichyj4 / indeed-ruby

Indeed API Ruby Client Library

Repository from Github https://github.comngrichyj4/indeed-rubyRepository from Github https://github.comngrichyj4/indeed-ruby


A client library for using the Indeed Jobsearch API



$ gem install indeed-ruby

API Credentials

The Indeed API needs to be called with your Indeed publisher number. You must pass this to the Indeed::Client constructor.

require 'indeed-ruby'


If you do not have a publisher number, you can receive one by heading to the Indeed Publisher Portal.

Performing a Job Search

require 'indeed-ruby'


params = {
    :q => 'ruby',
    :l => 'austin',
    :userip => '',
    :useragent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2)',

Retrieving Job Details

require 'indeed-ruby'


params = {
    :jobkeys => ["5898e9d8f5c0593f", "c2c41f024581eae5"],

API Paramaters

Job Search

q - Query. By default terms are ANDed. To see what is possible, use our advanced search page to perform a search and then check the url for the q value.

l - Location. Use a postal code or a "city, state/province/region" combination.

userip - The IP number of the end-user to whom the job results will be displayed. This field is required.

useragent - The User-Agent (browser) of the end-user to whom the job results will be displayed. This can be obtained from the "User-Agent" HTTP request header from the end-user. This field is required.

format - Format. Which output format of the API you wish to use. The options are "xml" and "json.". Default is "json". The Indeed::Client requests and parses a json repsonse by default. If you wish to use the xml format, requests will be performed with the raw parameter set to True, see raw.

raw - A boolean. Receive the raw json/xml response from the Indeed API. Use in addition with format to specify which response format you would like. Default is False

sort - Sort by relevance or date. Default is relevance.

radius - Distance from search location ("as the crow flies"). Default is 25.

start - Start results at this result number, beginning with 0. Default is 0.

limit - Maximum number of results returned per query. Default is 10, Maximum is 25

fromage - Number of days back to search.

highlight - Setting this value to 1 will bold terms in the snippet that are also present in q. Default is 0.

filter - Filter duplicate results. 0 turns off duplicate job filtering. Default is 1.

latlong - If latlong=1, returns latitude and longitude information for each job result. Default is 0.

co - Search within country specified. Default is us.

Job Details

jobkeys - Job keys. A list of job keys specifying the jobs to look up. This parameter is required.

format - Format. Which output format of the API you wish to use. The options are "xml" and "json.". Default is "json". The Indeed::Client requests and parses a json repsonse by default. If you with to use the xml format, requests will be performed with the raw parameter set to True, see raw.

raw - A boolean. Receive the raw json/xml response from the Indeed API. Use in addition with format to specify which response format you would like. Default is False


Indeed API Ruby Client Library


Language:Ruby 100.0%