ngothanhtai / formik-validators

Reusable form validators for formik

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Formik Validators

Basic usage

import validator, { required, minLength } from 'formik-validators'

const MyForm = withFormik({
  validate: validator({
    phoneNumber: [

Custom the translate function

By default, the translate function would return the same string (expect a translation term) that you give it translateFn = (term, params) => term.

If you are not going to support i18n, feel free to use a plain text instead.

On the other side, you can absolutely create your own translate function.

Example: using I18n.t as a translate function

// validator.js
import I18n from 'react-native-i18n'
import validator, { setTranslateFn } from 'formik-validators'

setTranslateFn((term, params) => I18n.t(term, params))

export default validator
// ../../forms/index.js
export { default as validator } from './validator'
export * from './forms.components'
// myModule.form.js
import { validators, TextInput } from '../../forms'
import { required, minLength, getFieldProps } from 'formik-validators'
const InnerForm = props => {
  const fieldProps = getFieldProps(props)
  return (

Add new validation rules

formik-validators comes with some basics validation rules. Although I'm continually adding more rules, it's still far to be enough for building a real world app.

The library make it easy for adding your custom rules as long as they returns a RuleFn type

Example: add a new rule to check the exact length

const exactLength = (length: number, errorKey: string): RuleFn => ({
  value, values, props
}) => {
  if (isNil(value)) return
  if (value.length !== length) {
    return t(errorKey, { length })


Reusable form validators for formik


Language:TypeScript 100.0%