This repository contains simple web REST client, which can be used to test REST APIs in development environment.
Particularly this can be useful to test CORS issues. Also, this simple rest client can be extended for testing purposes of some API.
This web REST client was intentionally implement using the simplest web technologies like HTML, JavaScript and jQuery in order to avoid the need to run HTTP server for more sophisticated application. The most important advantage of this REST client is no prerequisites - you can run it right away.
You need to have a git client to clone the repository. You can get it from Also, you need to have one of the recent versions of browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, etc.). There are no other prerequisities for this project to run. You can just open the index.html file with browser and start using the web REST client.
This simple web REST client can be used for simple testing of REST APIs and further customisation for other purposes. On the other hand for the standard API testing you should use more sophisticated tools like Advanced REST Client or POSTman.